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What's the easiest way to have longer days (more sunlight)?


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What I've been looking for is a way for the sun to rise at around 4-5AM and set at around 11PM-12AM. I don't want to affect the speed of the day, just the amount of sunlight.


I tried this mod: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/28697/? but it only seems to extend the morning, and it often deactivates for some reason.


I tried these ENB settings: http://wiki.step-project.com/Guide:ENBseries_INI/Timeofday but I can't seem to get them right. If I set it up for a later sunset, the sun seems to set anyway but I get a very "bright" night sky".


Is there an easy way to do this? Is there something I can adjust in the CK myself?



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Hmmm, strange. I'm not the only one complaining about it not working after fast-travel, waiting, etc. It works for a while and then stops.


Even so, that mod only makes the morning longer. Is there a way in the CK for me to change both the Sunrise and Sunset time?

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"This mod will increase the duration of days or nights in Skyrim by 4 hours. 2 hours are added/subtracted from both dusk and dawn. Install either Longer Days or Longer Nights."


And it is working that way for me. You have probably some mod overriding its changes.

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I haven't personally adjusted the day times, but after a quick look at where the options are; go into the CK, type climate into the object window filter. Just choose which one you want to adjust and you will see the slider bars at the bottom. This changes the sunset/sunrise times. You would then have to save changes.

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Ok, thanks...I'll have to mess with it to see if I can get it fixed.


Regardless, that mod has the sun set around 10pm based on what is changes, and I'm trying to get it a bit later. Is there a simple way to adjust that in the CK?


Edit: thanks bananas, I will give that a shot. I assume the Mod author did it the same way.

Edited by kmfdm515
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I would try loading that mod into TESVEdit and see what changes it made. In Oblivion, if I recall, sunset and sunrise were determined by GMSTs, which can be changed in the CK by going to Game->Settings.

I didn't know I could do that. Very helpful, thanks! Easy to see:




I also have an the option to change those right in TESVEdit. Is that OK to do or would it cause issues?

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