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Who stole all the doors?



14 members have voted

  1. 1. Who stole all the doors?

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Another day exploring the wild, shooting teddybears (it's fun!), and raiding houses, when a thought appeared to me. I've never actually seen an openable door in FO3, except for load doors (and Bethesda put those there to reduce lag), glowing enclave doors (it's the enclave - they have everything o.o), and the occasional lonely, lonely, door in settlements. So, who stole all the doors?

A small note. You might wonderig what the point of this thread is. There is none.

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I voted "Others":

It was the Outcast Brotherhood, preserving technology for the greater good of mankind. And such complicated and dangerous mechanisms like doors shouldn't be used by some civil loosers. I mean, at least the door could open...

Edited by shubniggurath
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