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What do you want in a companion?


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Thanks for all the advice. I'm acctually writing a bunch of lines and short story type things, Just to help me get to grips with the character (As yet unnamed, Because I'm bad at names). I need to do a proper legion run at some point, I've never gone through with it (Always either go independent or NCR) I guess the Legion is hard to do because of the whole "Strip your culture and make you Legion" thing they do (Like an old fashioned Borg...), As well as the emphasis on melee over shooting. I'm thinking of throwing together a Legion supporter later though, but that's down the road for now.

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A companion whose first choice in a faction ending would be Legion. I just want one companion who doesn't hate the Legion and love the NCR. Just one.

There's quite a few man:







As well as 4 Vanilla companions that don't hate the Legion.

Raul, Lily, Ed-E and Rex...


Rex would even be quite loved by the Legion, as they love good fighting dogs ^^

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