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Just a few burning questions about some mods


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With out going into too much detail, i basically have two simple questions.


First, i like the hgec body mods, but i didn't want every single female character in the game to be that model, so is it possible to create a new race that's basically a duplicate of imperials and give only that race the Hcup models and then go in and change (manually) a few NPCs to that race?


Second, are there any stock clothes for K Cup by peirce?


thanks for any help, i've been trying to figure out that first one for the better part of the week.

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First, i like the hgec body mods, but i didn't want every single female character in the game to be that model, so is it possible to create a new race that's basically a duplicate of imperials and give only that race the Hcup models and then go in and change (manually) a few NPCs to that race?


No. You can't assign individual body model per race in Oblivion. All races will share same male body model and female body model. Even if you can do that(as Fallout3), clothing matters: clothes/armor meshes will replace corresponding body parts.

Edited by LFact
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First, i like the hgec body mods, but i didn't want every single female character in the game to be that model, so is it possible to create a new race that's basically a duplicate of imperials and give only that race the Hcup models and then go in and change (manually) a few NPCs to that race?


No. You can't assign individual body model per race in Oblivion. All races will share same male body model and female body model. Even if you can do that(as Fallout3), clothing matters: clothes/armor meshes will replace corresponding body parts.


Oh i see, so if i was to use the replacer stock clothes for one of those mods, it doesn't matter that they don't match, it's just for the sake of consistency. I saw a mod for a race of amazons, was that achieved similarly? Thanks for all the help

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There is a mod, requires OBSE that you can change, in game, the bodies of characters. I will try to remember what it is called, or you might try to ask on the mod detectives. I know that there is a mod that does that.


First you would need to use maximum compatability skeletons, then you would have to use the hgec as a new race, preferably a new custom race. Then you would have to assign all the meshes to the unique names that you have given them. You would also make the cloth/armor either OBSE dependent (to check if a player has HGEC) or make them so that they are disabled to player. In theory it should work, I'm working on it now myself...


If all this sounds like greek, you should look up some good beginners' guides, I have a post here. http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/182360-tutorials-abound/page__p__1578084__hl__%2Btutorials+%2Babound__fromsearch__1#entry1578084

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There is a mod, requires OBSE that you can change, in game, the bodies of characters. I will try to remember what it is called, or you might try to ask on the mod detectives. I know that there is a mod that does that.


If you mean 'Set Body', it uses 'equippable body parts' trick: the mod equips body parts as unplayable clothes when the actor takes off clothing.

Edited by LFact
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