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How Exactly to install/where to install OBMM


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It says I need to put it into the oblivion install directory...

You answered your own question...


OH YES! We answered our own question... Thats why it refuses to install because it says thats THE WRONG PLACE TO PUT IT so I will ask the question again. Where do we install it? Because the correct place is not the correct place, so why dont you stop being a smart ass and answer the question! ANGRY FACE!



It is the correct place. obmm goes into the installationfolder, the place where you have installed Oblivion and where you see the map data and oblivionlauncher.exe, as welll as the readme. If you have installed it into data, then you're doing it wrong. obmm goes not into data, but at the installationmap. Same goes if you gonna install OBSE. OBSE also goes into the main installationfolder instead of data.


A note for everyone who is installing obmm or any other tool that goes straight into the install folder; make sure that oblivion is not in program files (xp) or program data. Since Vista microsoft has introduced user account control (uac), which restricts access to that folder. But even if you still use XP, better not use program files. Install Oblivion into C:/Bethesda Softworks/Oblivion or any other path, but avoid installing into program files or program data. That goes also for Steam.

Another note; for OBMM you have an installer. Use that one if you're not sure what you do. The installer picks automatically the installationpath.

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