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Skeleton.nif changes don´t apply


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hi all


i tryed to change the Skeleton.nif to make the propotions at last a bit better by moving/scale some bones. The problem is my changes dont apply ingame and the game keep the vanilla propotions and it refuse to use my changes.


Maybe someone know what i have to do to make the changes apply ingame?


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If you are already using BSA Redirection and the original version of the skeleton.nif works then I'm afraid I can't be of any help (I know very little about Blender and not much more about NifSkope).

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Provided the skeleton.nif really is already used correctly in the game, there's still another thing worth mentioning when messing around with bone scales and transitions in these.


I found this out the hard way myself, but most (if not all) Vanilla animation files (maybe even many, many custom ones?) include not only the changed attributes per bone, like for example when you rotate one only the rotation is stored, but they indeed contain "any and all" attributes per bone, that is position, rotation, scale, and maybe even some other things I can't think of right now.


In other words, animations are capable to override and undo any and all modifications I did to the skeleton.nif, or at the very least heavily interfere with them and mess everything up beyond repair.

So if you don't get rid of and redo all animations you're going to use, good luck in getting bones controlled by them to keep their changes from the skeleton.nif file.


For example, if you change the scale of the Calf.R bone so it's 2.0 times the size of what it's normally, very likely all animation files you're going to use will contain a scale of 1.0 for the Calf.R bone, and thus revert its scale back to normal, as if you never changed it in the skeleton.nif.


I cannot stretch enough how bad a design decision this was, but I guess there's also not much that can be done about it anymore at this point, besides re-creating every animation you're intending to use, or at least making sure there's no unnecessary attributes stored inside them.


So if you indeed did everything right with your skeleton.nif and your game is correctly using it already, when you're still not seeing your changes ingame, chances are it's the animation files "undoing" them again. Worth a check.

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