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Harrassed by a scammish popup.


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Every time I either visit the Nexus, or change between nexus sites, a popup that not even I'm stupid enough to fall for spams all over the screen.


With the combination of it appearing constantly, blocking the whole screen, and asking me for my internet adresses, email, phone number and adress, Im getting pretty PO'ed as of now, anyone else been harrassed?


Any popup that re appeares every five minutes is enfuriating, a popup that blatantly asks for my personal details and bank information is unacceptable.


Popup title is "win the amazing I-Pad" or something to that effect.



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I'm getting fraud block warnings everytime I come to/log in to Elder Scrolls Nexus. An example of what my internet security is showing is: http://www.nine-news.net/finance-news/ca-breaking-... and so on. I don't think nearly all the holes from the recent hacking is patched up or even stopped. This is not just malware/spam on user end this is coming from server end. I hope its fixed soon.
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Tes Nexus does not ask for this kind of info. This sounds like a Spyware - please do not give them anything. Especially not things like email - that will probably result in massive amounts of email spam. Home address - that can result in snail mail spam. Telephone number - spam sales calls at all hours. Especially do not give out any bank info as they will use that to clean out your bank account.


With that info they could find everything about you. enough to steal your Identity, take out credit cards, checking accounts and loans in your name, Even get a drivers license with your name and their picture. commit crimes that you will be blamed for and more. And you will not even know it until the cops come for you.


And, I promise, YOU ARE NOT GOING TO WIN an i-pad, amazing or any other type.


Run a good anti virus, several if you can. Then a good anti spyware program - Spybot Search and destroy AND SuperantiSpyware are both good - run both.

Available here: Clean site, NO malware with their downloads.


Spybot S&D: http://majorgeeks.co...able_d6734.html

SuperAntiSpyware: http://majorgeeks.co...ware_d5116.html


Here is a link to the MajorGeeks main page, Lots of free (and some not so free) stuff, including more antispyware programs, more antivirus programs and - under the INFO a tutorial on removing malware - look at the bottom for 'Spyware Removal'


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Yeah its just this website for me. I got on here just now and a new browser tab popped up that I didn't see. It was talking about some guy making money working at home and it was LOUD. I was like, "Where is that coming from?" and then I saw the tab. I tried to exit out of the page and a message popped up making sure I actually wanted to leave the page. I clicked Leave Page and the message popped up again. It continued to popup every time I clicked Leave Page. I had to force quit Chrome with Task Manager. Why is this happening all of a sudden? Its only on this site!
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