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what small things do you want changed?


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id like any and every one to try and name small thing you want to be added, returned, or improved.


my biggest complaint is how the female characters looked...im not saying drop dead sexy on any of them but why not make some a little more feminine.

lets improve making them look more human, mind you the game obviously does not take place on earth but when 90% of the women look like dudes in drag it gets a little old.


the other thing is the fear brought by flying or extremely difficult enemies, why not give use a challenge in a few spots so not just the hard game play people can feel a little accomplished.


im new to here and i bet all my ideas will be shot down, but that's the risk of posting your opinion on the net ;)


i hope to read many small ideas

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More detail on the faces, definitely. Project Beauty for Fallout 3 has proven that it can be done. In general, I think Bethesda should look at the more popular mods out there and check out what's been done right.
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In terms of partially aiming for a middle ground, better and multiple male and female bodies - We've got numerous body designs as replacers, yet everyone really can't agree on just one to use for all the bodies in the game or need a special system and clothing for their characters to use. Perhaps taking a page from Age of Conan and giving the option of females being topless might also work, just to appease some of the older TES fans.
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I agree with the OP. The females in Oblivion were and are terrible, and just as it's not realistic for every female to look like a model, it's conversely not realistic for all of them to look average (or less) either. There are pretty people in the real world, and this should be better balanced in V.
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I'd really like to see the "vwd" mod thing be standard. Vanilla was irritating in the way you'd be walking along and then a stutter... presto, a fort just appeared outta nowhere 30 yards ahead of you. Discovering VWD mods made Oblivion 100% better for me. I hope Skyrim has this functionality right out of the box.


No more leveling with the character. I use Fran's to get around this, another essential change to Oblivion. Hope Skyrim follows suit.


More equipment, more diverse equipment, more equipment and more equipment. Something like Fran's and Armamentarium mods do well.


Lastly, when you are hidden and you shoot that Ogre from 200 yards away he shouldn't make a bee-line toward your position. No more psychic enemies.

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I'd really love to see them actually look at the mod community and see what people really like and try to impliment some of it too. But if it has to be one thing, no more big ugly UI.
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