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Burying your dead?


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As you may guess from the title but I am wondering if there is a mod that lets you bury the corpses of the dead in New Vegas. I could care less about the raiders but every so often a civilian gets caught in the middle and I feel really bad just leaving them out to bake in the sun with the trash who killed them.

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I like the idea. I've had the same thought whenever I'm playing the game and get really immersed.


As far as I know, there isn't a mod that does this, but it would be possible. Just requires a bit of scripting. Try looking into some scripting tutorials and see if you can't figure it out. (:

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I like the idea. I've had the same thought whenever I'm playing the game and get really immersed.


As far as I know, there isn't a mod that does this, but it would be possible. Just requires a bit of scripting. Try looking into some scripting tutorials and see if you can't figure it out. (:

I have been thinking about getting back into modding again lately, but I haven't modded anything other then making a basic house here and there since Morrowind. That's a long time to not do more then snap some pieces together to make a small stoarge area with a door leading to every major city. My last major mod that required some scripting and over all thought was a necromancer burrow for Bloodmoon back when it came out. Had some pretty neat features actually, including the floating skull of the previous owner who could enchant your items for you and would rotate to stare at you no matter where you went in the burrow.

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The floating skull is pretty cool, actually.

If you do look into it, I think a good place to start would be to reverse-engineer the shovel script for grave-digging.

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AH HA! Thanks for that, I almost forgot I asked this question but I just lost everyone except whats her face to the ambush at the beginning of Honest Hearts...looks like I got some digging to do.


Edit: Never mind, one last tribal hiding behind a rock. When I reloaded he popped out and gunned down Stella...damn. Had to dig five graves instead of four.







Edited by arachnos653
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