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Several NPC changes questions


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I can not for the life of me get two things to work as intended.



1. If I make a esp that has a NPC that uses a hair mod all the hairs from that mod will duplicate when I am creating a player character at the start of a game. How do I get this to stop happening?


2. I can't get any NPC that comes with the game (Vanilla or DLC) to use custom eyes. I'll set them to use it in the CK but ingame they are the default eyes which are amber.




These two issues keep me from attempting to make any follower or NPC mod that uses custom assets.

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Hello there Thadius Faran,


I think I may be able to help figure out at least one of the issues, but it would help if you could kind of walk through the process and tools you use for editing/changing NPC appearances.


As far as 2 goes, are you exporting the FaceGendata by any chance?

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