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Help me bring Fire Emblem to Oblivion


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Hello. Basically Fire emblem is one of my all time favorite games, i enjoyed playing with the swords and everything other modders out there have created, but im looking for something a little bit more indepth :D


So first off, i have no modding experience whatsoever haha, all i do have is one hell of a doable idea.

I will be totally willing to help with whatever i can, when i can (i'll only have access to oblivion and the editor every other weekend or so.)


With that being said, if anybody's interested email me at [email protected] so we can get into some details.


to give a brief explanation of what i've got in mind so far->


(i havent thought of much of an introduction ot the actual mod, but i suppose thatl come later down the road.)

-quests across tamriel (im thinkin a questline pretty long, maybe as long as the main quest?)

-Meeting the ever infamous black knight

-searching for ragnell

-keeping the actual fire emblem safe

-also adding some weapons and spells from the game, such as arcthunder, rexcalibur, tempest blade, and lances too. always wondered why oblivion didnt have lances.


I definetly think this can be done with the right amount of people helpin out, just need to make new meshes and textures for weapons, spells can be just generic oblivion spells, dont need anything fancy like midas, and if we can get permission from the creators of the black knight armor, and ragnell and alondite swords we could probably just edit those. i doubt we'd need to make a ton of cells, as we can just use whats in oblivion already and voice acting is just rediculous, we don't need that. I'd be able to help however i can too, if i hadnt mentioned that already :)


anyway, id appreciate some feedback here and some emails from people

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Hello. Basically Fire emblem is one of my all time favorite games, i enjoyed playing with the swords and everything other modders out there have created, but im looking for something a little bit more indepth :D


So first off, i have no modding experience whatsoever haha, all i do have is one hell of a doable idea.

I will be totally willing to help with whatever i can, when i can (i'll only have access to oblivion and the editor every other weekend or so.)


With that being said, if anybody's interested email me at [email protected] so we can get into some details.


to give a brief explanation of what i've got in mind so far->


(i havent thought of much of an introduction ot the actual mod, but i suppose thatl come later down the road.)

-quests across tamriel (im thinkin a questline pretty long, maybe as long as the main quest?)

-Meeting the ever infamous black knight

-searching for ragnell

-keeping the actual fire emblem safe

-also adding some weapons and spells from the game, such as arcthunder, rexcalibur, tempest blade, and lances too. always wondered why oblivion didnt have lances.


I definetly think this can be done with the right amount of people helpin out, just need to make new meshes and textures for weapons, spells can be just generic oblivion spells, dont need anything fancy like midas, and if we can get permission from the creators of the black knight armor, and ragnell and alondite swords we could probably just edit those. i doubt we'd need to make a ton of cells, as we can just use whats in oblivion already and voice acting is just rediculous, we don't need that. I'd be able to help however i can too, if i hadnt mentioned that already :)


anyway, id appreciate some feedback here and some emails from people


I actually have access to the cs any time now, but only have access to a means to testing it every other weekend.

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FYI - Not everyone knows what Fire Emblem is (including myself) so it might be helpful to also include links to the game and specific images for models you are looking to be created. Usually, a single image is not enough to produce an accurate 3D model. A single image will let the modeler know a basic shape from a single view but there is no way to be 100% accurate from a single view and I just want to make that clear and understandable. For accurate models to be created, the modeler needs a side view, top view and front view. Anything less will mean creative freedoms must be used to "guess" how it would look in 3D.


Also, if yours is the last post in the thread, please use the EDIT button to edit the last post. Double-posting is not typically allowed on these forums.



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understood. haha sorry for the double post, new to these forums, but not forums in general.


Alright. well ill post some pictures, and describe it a bit. you can basically compare it to some of the final fantasy games. its not a free roam, but a strategy rpg. combine final fantasy and chess and you have fire emblem, although theres more to it than that.


This is the Black knight and the sword alondite, this will probably be the hardest thing to model, however it could be made as a suit of armor instead of just pieces. a back shot wouldnt yield much as its just his cape



This is the sword Ragnell, the opposite sword of alondite

http://rlk89.com/gameinfluence/wp-content/uploads/2007/08/ike.JPG those would be the most difficult in terms of creating


the rest would be just weapons taken from the game, which for the most part are pretty simple, a few cells, and the quests. its not like im trying to compete with tears of the fiend or zealots of the nine (both mods that i really enjoyed haha)


like i said if anybody really wants to get involved with this ill get into more details, the pictures i posted up top arent THAT descriptive, but enough to let anyone know what they'd be getting into.

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I like fire emblem very much! there is a black knight armor made on oblivion also.



It even has a skeletonbeast tail rigging on the cape!


I was looking at it and I decided I wanted to make a fire emblem armor for oblivion also, so I started on my armor.


U can see pic of it.



Its on back burner tho cause i got some fnv projects im on.


I was thinking about how it should be put in the game tho. should it be like that orc guy that goes "I scour the land seeking fortune for gorworg and orsinium!"

But if u make quest for fe then its even better.


Anyway, that there is other people interested in it is going to help me be motivated to work on the armor!

It is needing a lot of work to complete. But i hope that u can tell what its supposed to be!!!


Oh yes and it does require embelishments to be made for an oblivion armor because the lod is higher in oblivion especialy for modded stuff.


And um. instead of email isnt it ok to use a thread or this one? That way other people might get involved u know.


I put this thread on watch anyway ok.

Edited by baduk
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baduk told me about this and i'm more than happy to allow you to use my armor :)

unfortunately i'm not able to help anyfurther since i'm really busy with school related mumbo-jumbo :(

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hey unavi, i was gettin around to askin you for permission :D just need to get permission from the creator of ragnell and alondite. after that ill start on the actual quest.


if i could get help with cells, thatd be great. im pretty sure i can get everything else




I'm going to post a few pictures of the actual game to display character-weapon proportions.




and here's one of the characters i kind of want to put in this mod



Here's a gameplay vid that shows both the black knight and ragnell/alondite


other than that ill keep looking for weapons, ill probably have to take actual pictures of the weapons in game, seeing as how i doubt ill find them on google or even youtube. there's really only 9 or 10.


baduk, id totally appreciate some help whenever you can. we're pretty solid right now with the black knights armor and ragnell/alondite (providing we can get permission for them, ill check after i get home)


and interestingly enough i met that ogre guy inside the very same ruin that i fought unavi's black knight in. haha we destroyed him together.


and i agree with using this thread. all of a sudden using email seems just too complicated.

Edited by fallout3plyr222
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I love the Fire Emblem games and I can´t believe I forgot all about checking for Fire Emblem mods this whole time >_<... Anyways I´d love to see these things made too along with the armor of....


Lord Ike



Radiant Dawn Ike



Radiant Dawn Vanguard Ike









When I find the time I´ll probably try and make some of these though..

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Bobboing I don't have any experience as a modeler. If you or someone else makes the armor I'd be happy to include it in the mod.


It would also be sweet if you really could look into making or getting these weapons made if you have time. I'm assuming you have some idea as to what these look like.


-Urvan (could be a sword with an axe look)

-Vague katti

-Florete (for the magic user, ill probably add enchantments.)

-Wishblade (as a two handed sword, there's an animation replacer that'd make this work, unless I can find spear animations somewhere)

-Baselard and peshkatz

Those are just the weapons id love to see, if you or someone wants to make more (providing they know what they look like) then by all means go ahead.


Iv been thinking more about the quest in general. I'm thinking I'm basically gonna create a new faction called the order, color their armor to look gold and have cyrodiil occupied

By them after a few prior events (pc gets ambushed by them, a much older ike rescues the pc and informs the pc of who the order is, and /offers/ to train you, which would have course result in some perks and benefits for the pc)


After you're done with ike and whether or not you allowed him to train you, the pc has to liberate cyrodil, he'll do this by receiving the quest from ike to go liberate the first city occupied by the order. The commander of the order in each city will have one of the weapons I mentioned above and will be located either in or right outside of the castle.


collecting all these weapons will trigger the final quest allowing you to enter white gold tower and fight the black knight and the main boss of the mod.


Haha clearly this won't be too lore friendly.


I'm up for suggestions if you have any too :)

Edited by fallout3plyr222
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