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OBSE won't launch with the Steam version

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Hey everyone, my GOTY retail copy of oblivion broke in half while in the disc loader, but I had purchased the TES: Anthology a few months ago, so I went to install the steam version that was collecting dust on my library. I placed all the files inside the Oblivion folder and every time I launch the game, OBSE won't load, and if I try to launch it manually, it tells me to launch it via Steam.


Edited by Ilikehummus
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The Steam version has a different file that needs to be installed than the disk version (obse_loader.exe for the disk version is replaced by obse_steam_loader.dll for the Steam version, of course along with obse_1_2_416.dll and obse_editor_1_2.dll). I'm not a Steam user myself but I have seen reports that the requirement to "Enable Steam Community In-Game" (aka "enable Steam overlay" in later version of Steam I think) is no longer required (reported by Alenet in the Oblivion Reloaded mod comments) .


If you are still trying to launch the game with your old desktop shortcut that points to obse_loader.exe it won't work. Just start the game using the normal Steam method (i.e. pre-OBSE). Windows 8.1 + Steam + OBSE seems to be the most problematic combination.

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Isn't the Anthology version a disk that needs to be activated using Steam after installation? I never have heard whether or not it uses the Steam method of starting the game + OBSE after installation and activation or the disk version. Are you also using Windows 8.1?

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Thanks for telling me about the disc, I can install it via that and run it retail now I believe. I'll check now.

EDIT: It worked! Thanks so much man, now to install my 150 mods muahhahaha :blush:

Do you mind if I add you? Once again, thanks so much.

Edited by Ilikehummus
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A word of advice on installing the mods ... don't forget to test every now and then throughout the install process, even if they're all mods you've used before. If something goes awry it's a lot easier to troubleshoot the fewer you added in one big whack.

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