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Levelling attack speed


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If there is already a request for this, pelase tell me so I can remove the post.

I have looked at all the mods for the keyword "speed" at the Nexus files(so far), most were for movement speed, and there were only a few for attack speed, one or two needing perks, and none with the speed rising as you level the skill. I think that it would be logical that being more skilled with a weapon would make you balance it better and waste less movement, so it would allow you to strike again, or block, sooner after each attack. BUT I don't know how that could be done. Maybe adding to the formula a percentage rise in attack speed depending on level(I know nothing, or close to it, about modding, so I don't know if it's possible) I never found a mod that did this, but maybe there are(or meybe they are impossible). In either case, tell me if this request was not necessary(preferably with the URL or name of a mod that does it) or not possible(so that I stop looking for something that will never come). Thanks to everybody who took the time to read my ranting, and for any information you give me, or work you do on the idea.

Edited by cjforma
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The only thing that comes to my mind is if you're a vampire, i'd recommend using the better vampires mod. It gives many new possibilities of leveling your character and among other things it gives you cool leveling system of attack speed as well as movement speed multiplier.

As for me it seems more balanced solution when only certain class (like vampire) or under certain circumstances you can evolve your speed. After all Skyrim is quite an easy game. I always like to see cool powers and abilities brought up to the game with the mods but i believe that sometimes it's essential to have some more limits of "distribution" for these.


Well, but it's only me. Still your suggestion is quite cool and there might be some larger group of people interested in such a modification.

Although for me the movement speed is more important now - rather than attack speed.
And as i said, for me the leveling of speed multiplier seems to go along well with the vampire character. So if you're never been a vampire i'd recommend trying it out - I myself was deterred from becoming a vampire for a long, long time but when i finally tried it out (with the better vampires, bat travel and predator vision mods) I found it extremely joyful. :smile:

Edited by jpcas
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Actually I was thinking of a very slight increase, so that you actually see some difference with 10 or 20 skill levels, not depending on specific race or status. I think that, at least for maces and warhamers, it would be lore friendly(Mace Ettiquete), but would make sense for all the others as well.

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