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npc's don't use the weapons they're given?


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I have a small maze puzzle as part of a quest, and I want a guardian NPC to chase me around throwing grenades. If I give the NPC a pistol and ammo, he shoots at me fine. If I give him frag grenades, he runs away. If I give him a grenade launcher and ammo, he runs up and attacks me with his fists. I know it's the right ammo because after I kill and loot him, I can shoot using this ammo. I have made him level 10, and given him 90% skill in explosives and energy weapons. I have given him combatstyle CSRaider, which is the same style used by powder gangers, and they use dynamite fine.


Is there some trick to getting NPC's to use grenades and launchers?


Another related question. I have one turret which uses the default weapon and it attacks fine. I want to make another turret into a flamethrower. So I gave it a flamer weapon and flamer ammo. But, it just sits there and does not fire. Turrets are creatures so they do not have skills.


Is there something else I need to do in order to get the turret to use a flamer?

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For the raider, you can try using a ranged-only CS in the AI package. A CS defined in an AI package over-rides the NPC base object assignment. Plus, the CS raider allows both melee and ranged. Just copy the CSRaider and change it to ranged only.


Turrets use weapons in the EmbeddedWeapons Form list. There's a couple of flamers in that list you could try. I'm not sure if there are other requirements (like in the weapon bone and stuff).

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Thanks for the suggestion on a ranged style. Now the grenadier blows the s**t out of me like I wanted. However, the flamer turret is still just sitting there. It's frenzied; it works with the default weapon; WeapFlamer is listed among the EmbeddedWeapons list. Is there any way to get a fixed flamethrower effect? I thought a turret would be easy.
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I'd never played around with turrets so my curiosity wouldn't leave me alone. This mod does it http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=2863 with it's PEFlamerTurret


It appears that a custom embedded weapon needs to be made. You could probably copy the Gutsy embedded flamer. Then change the weapon and skill type to 'energy weapon' for one. Also, change the node to 'ProjectileNode'. Animation type two-hand rifle. There might be some other things. But it all just done with vanilla assets

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There were two other things to change besides the one's above. Change attack animation to AttackLoop, and ammo to AmmoFlamerFuelRobot. I did the above settings on a copy of MisterGutsyFlamer2HL, made my own form list and added the weapon to it, and set my RHKcrTurret01 to use the weapon. Added the weapon and ammo to it's inventory and it toasted me pretty bad ;)
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I wish I could remember how I did it, but I had a working mortar turret that operated by tracking the player as normal for turrets, then when it fired it used a trick


Somehow I boosted the projectile (not a fire command) through the air on an arc, then disable/removeme it, then a random 1.5 to 3 seconds later, played a whistling noise near the target and spawned my projectile again and let it drop to the ground, where I then placed the appropriate explosion/knockback/etc.


I had it working pretty well, but that was over a year ago and the version of the PotG mod that I had it in is lost.


Maybe from the description you can figure something out, sounds like you love turrets :)

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