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Mixing armors in Nifscope


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I used to do this for oblivion, but the old method does not seem to work for new vegas, I keep getting a


""infinite recursive link construct detected 13 -> 7""

""infinite recursive link construct detected 13 -> 8""

""infinite recursive link construct detected 13 -> 7""

""infinite recursive link construct detected 13 -> 8""


I am going into the children category and adding a child and then pasting a new branch into it. That used to work, but no more apparently.


Any pointers or tutorials would be greatly appreciated

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I am using the mifskope trick to do more complicated nifs but mostly just using blender for nifmaking.


Mising armors in just nifskope is okay but I always want to encourage u to do blender cause u gain control over everything!




I dono anything on obliv nifs so.. I cannot explain it so well relative to the oblivion one. I can just explain what i will try to do on a fallout one.

Scenario is with ninode scene root and imediate child nitristrip blocks as in regular clothing nif.

U have source nitristrips block on one nif and target nif to add mesh onto.


First requirement is the nif is a fallout 3 nif. the nitristrips u are adding must be fallout 3 one, I dont know all the difference, but i do know its gota have the bsdismemberskininstance instead of just niskininstance. This is for vats and dismemberment. To do this it needs blender or similar 3d program.


right click on ninode scene root. node> attach node> nitristrips

right click on new nitristrips node. node> add property > bsshaderpplightingproperty

right click on new nitristrips node. node> add property > nimaterialproperty

right click on new nitristrips node. node> add property > any other propertie u want it having such as nistencil or nialpha propertys.


Now u select the new nitristrips node and see in the block details window where it says data and skin instance.

select the nitristripsdata that is under the nitristrips block of the source nif. right click block > copy

Select the data section of block details of the new nitristrips node and right click block > paste.

Do same with bsdismemberskininstance ( select bsdismemberskininstance under nitristrips block of source nif, block > copy; select skin instance section of block details of new nitristrips node, block > paste)

Expand bsshaderpplightingproperty of the nitristrips of ur source nif. select and copy the bsshadertextureset.

find texture set in block details of target bsshaderpplightingproperty that u had added earlier. paste the texture block > paste on it.


Now u fix the little data settings like the name of the nitristrips block, shader flags in the bsshaderpplightingproperty, nimaterial property settings, etc.


This is making it work well for u in game and everything!

I hope it is clear to understand.

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