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Honestly I think I'm mostly excited to see 'enchanting' as a skill. There wasn't much you could do with enchanting in Oblivion. All the best gear was came from quest rewards and looting (I'm sure it will be this way in Skyrim too). But having a max charge of 1600 to enchant with made enchanting in Oblivion rather useless.


Also weilding two weapons is going to be sweet as well. I never really liked using weapons in Oblivion. It seemed to take to many hits rather than just spell chaining. I mean, casting weakness to magic 100% then casting weakness to magic 100% + weakness to shock 100% then casting a shock spell was a lot simpilier than wacking someone with an axe a thousand times, even when you're max strength and max blunt. ._. However with the ability to duel weild and the new updates to enchanting, I feel like we're going to see a much more balanced combat system. I'm also liking what i'm hearing about marksman, sense we can all agree it was useless in Oblivion.


I'm also hoping to see less or no limits on spell-making. The max magnitudes and durations was very limited in Oblivion. Though I beleive having the limits on spell-making added some balance, I also beleive that any spell should be creatable and useable, so long as you have the skill requirements and the mana to use it.


Also somethings I think should be added or removed:

Remove Chameleon Effects - Obvious reasons


Remove Reflect Damage - Easily the most overpowered effect in the game. I shouldn't have been able to tank everything in the game with just some thin robes and without any shield protection lol.

Horse Location on the map - Who didn't loose Shadowmere? :(


Removal of anything that is, is similiar, or looks like the Grey Cowl - Honestly I don't know what Betha was thinking putting that in the game. I threw it in my house in Skingrad. I didn't feel right using it. I don't expect to see something similiar, but if I do, i'm going to be upset.


The Ability to Move up a Steep(ish) slope - I can easily say that the most fusterating feature in Oblivion, was mountian climbing up the hills. I'm sure we can all agree.


Well I'm at school and have to go. I'll finish this later

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Okay. Sorry for double posting. In next class. Switching to iPhone key board. /:


Continuing with what (IMO) should be added or removed:

Removing the ability to dissarm an enemy - this was super annoying in oblivion, because when it happens, you're stuck without a weapon until you find it... If you can find it. My luck my weapon would roll down a hill or something.


Gaurds shouldnt be all knowing - bounties should be able to be avoided. Once you receive a bounty you pretty much can't do anything until you pay your fine or serve your time. I'm expecting a lot more options after you get caught committing a crime.


Fixed Protection Spells - at 75 Alteration, you can cast Aigus (think that's how you spell) which shielded you 50% (which was actually 50 defense or armor points. I never understood why it says percentage.) for 80 seconds. Basicly simulating wearing armor. If I remember correctly, 50 defense points was almost the same as wearing full Deadric armor at neary maxed Heavy Armor. With this spell, you don't even need armor, considering that using the spell doesn't slow you down, doesn't weigh anything, and doesn't lower spell effectiveness. I stuck with the belief that you shouldn't be able to tank in robes, no matter what spells you cast. Shield effect for 50% should raise your defense depending on what armor you already have on. So say your wearing armor and have a total defense of 20, casting aigus should increase your current def by 50%, increasing your total defense to 30. Overall this would make armor in general more appealing to have, and give mages a reason to actually use conjured armor.


Lock difficulty - a games not a game when you can just change the difficulty right when your gonna get owned.


Removal of refect spell - I suppose if I suggested removing refect damage, the samething should apply for spelll refection, though magic was much less used among npcs.


More Balenced races - Breton was easily the best race, though I liked playing as a high elf for the increased mana. No other race had something as worth-wild as 50% resist magic. Any other special greater or lesser power that another race had could be done using a spell. I hope to see the Breton nerffed or all the other races to have something really good.


Darker nights and caves - I've been playing with a mod that makes dark places darker. I like the idea that personal light is needed in some places. Bring some usefulness into torches, light spells, and night eye.


Slower leveling for magics - IMO maxed magic skills was the best thing to have the game, and it also easy to get. All the skills could be power leveled easily. I don't know how this is to be fixed, but it would be nice.



Next class bbl

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GameInformer: The Sounds of Skryim



//Dwemer sphere is back or it's the old morrowind one >.> not sure >.>


//The guy from the trailer is a blade (as from the magazines/todd's stuff he's one of the last surviving one)


//They used morrowind's theme to create skyrim's one :S ?

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It also seems that Esbern will die in the end. Lampert says during the interview, that Mark Von Sydow liked all the fighting and dying in the end when he was reading the script... And I doubt the voice actors reads the script of everyone else, so it seems to me that Esbern will die in the end.



bah, becoming a real pain to edit that post now - It's getting kinda long^^

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WoW, I forgot to watch the fourth Sound of Skyrim video, and I must say now that I love that Theme Music! :D


I am so glad they went back to Morrowind's theme, and used that as base. I actually still listen to the Morrowind music when I am at my computer, and I never get tired of that theme... I could probably set it on replay hundreds of times and still enjoy it... And if I queue all the music from Morrowind, Oblivion and the Skyrim Teaser theme - then I got the complete musical enjoyment! :D

Thank you Jeremy Soule, for making such great music!!!

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I love how the Sphere Centurion looks i hope they keep the steam centurion and the spider also.


The theme sound like a viking remix of Morrowind, but it only makes it awesome.


The only thing i dont like is the developers using the word "Dwarf" instead of "Dwemer"

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Well, Dwemer is the Elder Scrolls Version of Dwarves, so it is correct lore-wise... But yeah, I know what you mean.


But I think it appeals to more people when they say Dwarves. Not everyone knows about the Dwemer and their story at all you know - as in Oblivion, when TES started to get really popular, there is very little mention of the Dwemer.

It's in Morrowind you get most information about the Dwemer, and for some strange reason, very many people haven't played Morrowind... so much strange things in this world.. hmf..

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