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To me it's not a factor of having or not having internet... I can appreciate not tailoring PC game so it's playable to people who do not have internet access, I mean this is the 2010s after all. But what bothers me is the intrusive, backround software. My PC has Steam running right now and I'm just sitting here browing the internet, not even playing a game or thinking about playing one. But if I want to be able to use New Vegas I have to allow this stuff to run in the backround, or manually close it every time it pops up and leaves it's self on. It's like American Online or iTunes where they make you install all their crap to use their service.


If anything I think Steam makes people want to pirate games even more so that they can get around having to have Steam on their machine in the first place.

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To me it's not a factor of having or not having internet... I can appreciate not tailoring PC game so it's playable to people who do not have internet access, I mean this is the 2010s after all. But what bothers me is the intrusive, backround software. My PC has Steam running right now and I'm just sitting here browing the internet, not even playing a game or thinking about playing one. But if I want to be able to use New Vegas I have to allow this stuff to run in the backround, or manually close it every time it pops up and leaves it's self on. It's like American Online or iTunes where they make you install all their crap to use their service.


If anything I think Steam makes people want to pirate games even more so that they can get around having to have Steam on their machine in the first place.

Have you had the problem where steam just grows exponentially and eventually crashes your computer?I have to shut it off in the task manager every time I'm done with my games :verymad:. Also just looking at places like piratebay you can see that steam just acts as a road bump for crackers. Steam versions are cracked too. Are you concerned enough about your bottom line to inconvenience everyone who uses your products to stop a few torrenters ( :pirate: ) from getting illegal copies of your game? This is the age of globalism, if you want it, you can get it, for free. I pay so I just wanna take the disc home and play.If the disc is in your machine that should be enough to verify and install.If anything you should be cutting back on internet downloads if you're that concerned about pirates. :pirate:

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Just out of curiosity, why is having Steam run in the background a huge issue for you? I'm not really sure what kind of resources it takes up, but I assumed it was pretty negligible.


Regarding Steam in general, I'd have to say I'm a little surprised at all the negative feedback towards it. I've only been using Steam for the past year, but I've yet to have any noteworthy issues. I mostly use it because of the significantly lower prices during sales, getting older games that are hard to find in physical form and/or aren't otherwise very happy with newer Windows OS, to avoid OTHER forms of DRM that are much more cumbersome (limited activations, have to be online to play... feels more like you're renting the game), and it's also nice if you don't want to worry about discs getting broken or lost.


There are some cons, yes. If for some reason Valve stopped supporting Steam, it could be troublesome. It can be a little annoying (not that much for me) to have to have Steam pop up to play a game. Even then, sometimes you can edit/replace the .exe file to get around that. At least, that's what happened for me with Morrowind (the Morrowind Code Patch edits/makes a new .exe, so Steam doesn't pop up when I play it). And there's also if you just like having the physical copy of the game, which I can understand. But we're talking about activating on Steam, not buying from Steam, so that's not an issue either.


Yea, it stinks that PC games nowdays have to have DRM of any kind. But regardless of whether or not we think it stops or aids pirating, if THEY think it helps, they're going to use it. That said, I'd much rather have Steam be the vessel of their DRM than any other form.

Edited by Guest
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It's not a performance issue, it's a matter of principle. I have 12g of ram, they don't even touch it.


By the time I have Steam going, then I have to have my liscense software for my audio DAW, then I have the apple update software when I need quicktime, oh then I need that Java update software to use Java, then I need that Adobe flash update software just if I want to use Flash... do you get the point? All these programs running DRMs then their own update software, it makes a huge mess on a once clean system. A mess which can make sorting processes difficult and at times dangerous if one is being problematic or contains malicious software.


DRM does nothing to deter piracy and only inconviences the end user.

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In regards to the piracy and cracking discussion: you do know that the point of DRM, copy protection et.c. isn't to completely stop piracy, right? Given enough time every existing protection will be cracked, this is something developers are well aware of. What they're trying to achieve is preventing day-one piracy, as stated by one of the Bioshock developers.
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Just take this discussion a little away from Piracy talk:


Get your burning questions answered straight from the dragon's mouth!


This week's Game Informer podcast will feature Skyrim's game

director, Todd Howard, who will be answering community questions. If

you'd like to have your question considered, post in the comments

section at GameInformer.com.


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In regards to the piracy and cracking discussion: you do know that the point of DRM, copy protection et.c. isn't to completely stop piracy, right? Given enough time every existing protection will be cracked, this is something developers are well aware of. What they're trying to achieve is preventing day-one piracy, as stated by one of the Bioshock developers.


Yeah that makes sense, that's why I only had to have Steam installed on my machine the first day I bought the game right?


Don't let these guys blow smoke up your :nuke:


The real reason they use it is so they can flash sales promos at you every time you close the game and get you using their system so hopefully you buy more games off Steam. It's all just about marketing an sales logistics. I'm sure Steam (Valve) has a very lucrative agreement with Bethesda.


Sorry for hijacking your thread Zaldiir.

Edited by Fatalmasterpiece
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Can´t we uninstall steam after activating a game?I allways try to kep my pc with the essential to save memory.So if skyrim is steam can´t I just install it activate skyrim install skyrim and uninstall steam?
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