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I didn't see a Horker, all I saw was Horker meat.Just because the meat is in the game, doesn't meant the Horker is.It could just be something you buy from a shop, so until I see an in-game horker I'm not convinced.
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Well.. There is that, but I can hope.


It looks like the 3D icons in the inventory are just the world models.


They really need to get some modders on the interview/host panel. I don't care about the gameplay questions that we know the answer to already, I want to know about what fun new modding toys we get! Tell us, Howard!





Edit: I'm watching part 2 now. Much as I like all the stuff BethSoft's added in, that Clairvoyance spell is gonna have to go. Too cheap to use that.

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@ub3man agreed i don't need any help on exploring dungeons thank you very much. Oh and that steel battle axe looked amazing.


edit: im seriously thinkin to go hybernate till november, the waiting is unbearable.

Edited by jancina25
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