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As you said earlier, Wes Johnson can play a lot of roles very well, and we can see/hear that he is very adaptable to his role from the list of characters he has done for BGS:

Morrowind: Boethiah / Malacath / Molag Bal / Male Orcs / Male Bretons

Oblivion: Lucien Lachance / The Grey Fox / Pelinal Whitestrake / Imperial males / Dremora / the Arena announcer / Sheogorath

Fallout 3: Mister Burke / Uncle Leo / Fawkes / Super Mutants / Dean Dewey / Shakes / Deputy Weld / Protectrons / Sentry Bots / Scribe Bigsley / Trackers


And NONE of them sounds the same or even distinctly the same. :D

(And to be honest, I was a little shocked when I saw a photo of him - not what I had expected after Lucien Lachance and Sheogorath. ;D )

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Also from that one interview seems like Dogs are companions. Most of us knew that of course. But I remember that joke about that animal that could be a companion. Don't remember it off my head but many thought after that when it was a joke that animal companions don't exist he basically said according to the uploader "Better UI for PC users with a nice and rigged gaming PC, as well as better draw distance and graphics, there are currently 220 perks, dog companions," Dog companions of course so there are more than one.
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Shiroryyuu so where u from?

I'm from Canada. Why?



That's a bad thing.

Because they need to pay them more money for almost the same experience that normal voice actors would give.

And I prefer unknown voices rather then known.

How do you think people become famous? lol There are real gems out there, people who can do amazing voice work, but never get a spot because someone who's famous takes there spot. With less then equal results.(Not to say that the famous people don't do amazing work, but don't always fit the characters in my opinion)


i remember they first said you would get perks till lvl50 now its lvl70. sounds like you can make some really overpower characters... sweet.

I really like this idea. It's fine to have a challenge sure, but it's also cool to feel badass. If I want more challenge I'll start a new character and add negative handicaps for myself(no armor, crap gear, etc...)
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Just rewatched the Skyrim Official Trailer. I noticed something that many have noticed probably. It was the realism feature of the hair being see-able with a helm on. It was in Fallout 3/NV of course. But I do wonder with hair mods for Skyrim I think that it will have the same problem as in Fallout 3/NV that with a head accessory it will probably mess the hair up unless the modder that did the hair has a patch for it. But of course for other Helm mods that will be 100's or 1000's more probably it will mess up on those and there would have to be 100's of patches. What do you guys think?
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Just rewatched the Skyrim Official Trailer. I noticed something that many have noticed probably. It was the realism feature of the hair being see-able with a helm on. It was in Fallout 3/NV of course. But I do wonder with hair mods for Skyrim I think that it will have the same problem as in Fallout 3/NV that with a head accessory it will probably mess the hair up unless the modder that did the hair has a patch for it. But of course for other Helm mods that will be 100's or 1000's more probably it will mess up on those and there would have to be 100's of patches. What do you guys think?


A helm will probably have it's own hair mesh.

So if you have long hair the helm will make it short.

It would require a extremely big number of assets to make the right combinations for each hair helm.

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From GStaff. Quote "It's a very large guide... should be as big if not bigger than our Fallout 3 and New Vegas guides. In general, the game has much more to do than those games"


Sounds well nice. Is this the guide you can buy about all the factions and all the skills etc?

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From GStaff. Quote "It's a very large guide... should be as big if not bigger than our Fallout 3 and New Vegas guides. In general, the game has much more to do than those games"


Sounds well nice. Is this the guide you can buy about all the factions and all the skills etc?


Yup the Strategy guide. On all honesty he told me more than I asked. I basically asked if the Strategy was even in production. He basically said the estimation is bigger than the Fallout guides. Along with other things if you see what he is basically saying.

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There's a new interview up from gamescom:



Lower the volume, it gets loud.


Best interview I've seen so far! Hines was very succinct and specific, as opposed to the usual "we're hoping for this broad generalization, and trying out this vague concept..." schtick. So annoying.


I am reassured about optimizing the UI for PC, which has been a common gripe here on the forums (I myself was a bit worried about that). Also, it's great to hear companions a la Fallout 3 confirmed, including puppies! I don't think I'm getting my brown bear buddy, though. Giving companions contextual directions mid-combat sounds cool, if it gets implemented well.


I'm already mapping out the buttons in my mind:

Left/Right Mouse = Left/Right Hands, Middle Mouse = Dragon Shouts, Scroll Mouse = Favorites. Perfection.

Hopefully all these changes are possible. Did anyone else map spells to middle mouse in Oblivion? I hated using the C button.

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