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Same Sex marriages confirmed by Pete:



I may be against the marriage part in real life but its their choice. (It's not just the idea of it per say but other things as well like media reception and all that stuff that goes into it.) Still game-wise if you don't like it, don't do it, simple as that. Won't affect me anyway. (Note please don't start a gay marriage argument.)

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Yay :D .. I knew they would allow this .. The fallout from not having gay marriage would be huge .. Gay Gamers are no push overs ;)


True and kind of not. There are many people I met that said if a game has gay marriages I'm not getting it. You might get a lot of people buying it because of that. But you lose a lot too. Not saying this for the sake of argument because its the persons choice in the matter but there are articles that basically say what I am saying. Still as I said I will get Skyrim no matter what. I am sure this will not affect TES Fans at all. (Well most.)

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Same Sex marriages confirmed by Pete:



I may be against the marriage part in real life but its their choice. (It's not just the idea of it per say but other things as well like media reception and all that stuff that goes into it.) Still game-wise if you don't like it, don't do it, simple as that. Won't affect me anyway. (Note please don't start a gay marriage argument.)


I won't argue but why even say your own stance on it? .. I'll be happy to point out that I'm gay and totally for this in both worlds :P .. But I agree .. like real life .. if you don't like it then don't marry the same gender.

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I may be against the marriage part in real life but its their choice. (It's not just the idea of it per say but other things as well like media reception and all that stuff that goes into it.) Still game-wise if you don't like it, don't do it, simple as that. Won't affect me anyway. (Note please don't start a gay marriage argument.)

I just hope Fox News won't make trouble...


And just to state my opinion on this. (Even though I did a while back)

I'm happy that Bethesda isn't hating on such things.

Personally I'm all for freedom, everybody should be able to choose who he wants to be with either in real life or in game.


But let's not discuss this too much on here. :thumbsup:

Edited by Iv000
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Same Sex marriages confirmed by Pete:



I may be against the marriage part in real life but its their choice. (It's not just the idea of it per say but other things as well like media reception and all that stuff that goes into it.) Still game-wise if you don't like it, don't do it, simple as that. Won't affect me anyway. (Note please don't start a gay marriage argument.)


I won't argue but why even say your own stance on it? .. I'll be happy to point out that I'm gay and totally for this in both worlds :P .. But I agree .. like real life .. if you don't like it then don't marry the same gender.


I put my own stance up for the matter that even with this I will get it. As for what you said I have a gay cousin and I get along fine with him. Just because they are gay doesn't mean they are rejects and stuff that society says. (Note I'm not saying that to offend you I'm saying it for the sake of what society says is bias and other things, gays are people after all.) Anyways just because you are gay doesn't mean I don't like you jedimembrain. You are respectful and nice in my opinion.

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I may be against the marriage part in real life but its their choice. (It's not just the idea of it per say but other things as well like media reception and all that stuff that goes into it.) Still game-wise if you don't like it, don't do it, simple as that. Won't affect me anyway. (Note please don't start a gay marriage argument.)

I just hope Fox News won't make trouble...


Basically what I was saying. It isn't their business anyways. As for starting trouble with Bethsoft and Skyrim we fans will do stuff about it don't worry.

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I may be against the marriage part in real life but its their choice. (It's not just the idea of it per say but other things as well like media reception and all that stuff that goes into it.) Still game-wise if you don't like it, don't do it, simple as that. Won't affect me anyway. (Note please don't start a gay marriage argument.)

I just hope Fox News won't make trouble...


And just to state my opinion on this. (Even though I did a while back)

I'm happy that Bethesda isn't hating on such things.

Personally I'm all for freedom, everybody should be able to choose who he wants to be with either in real life or in game.


But let's not discuss this too much on here. :thumbsup:


Basically I agree with you there. It shows how much Bethsoft cares for the community when they take this chance. Just lets not get in an argument for this.

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i can't help thinking that the combined cuirass/greaves is going to severely limit the customization of clothing. hopefully it will be as mod-friendly as oblivion.
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i can't help thinking that the combined cuirass/greaves is going to severely limit the customization of clothing. hopefully it will be as mod-friendly as oblivion.


You can customize every piece of armor with the smithing skill. They are visual too.

So you can add pauldrons and such things and they will be visible on the armor.

I think that allows even more customization then Morrowind.

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