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New Skyrim gameplay possibly next week! source



If you read the entire conversation, its just an edited HD version of the PAX demo.


These are the previous tweets:


SmallHarris Christopher Harris

@DCDeacon In regards to the HD footage of the Demo (PAX demo?), will it be edited like E3, or the full 45 mins however long? Thanks :)


Pete Hines

@SmallHarris it'll be edited down to some extent


SmallHarris Christopher Harris

@DCDeacon Thanks, just gotta ask though - any rough idea when it'll be released? either way Skyrim looks awesome, good job :)


Sorry to burst the bubble, I got so excited there for a moment :P


EDIT: :ninja:

Edited by LeopoldCrank
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it might be edited down some but it still might be new footage .. and thats good news to me.. hoping it isn't the same as the E3/Quakecon playthru which is the same mission and path even if he played it live at Quakecon Edited by jedimembrain
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Hopefully, it is a little new footage. Not too much though, as I really don't want to see too much of Skyrim yet. ;)









... Oh, who am I fooling, of course I want to see much of Skyrim! ;D

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Here guys, just woke up in Canada not sure where you guys are from but I found three videos from last night. You've most likely seen them but here they are from PAX 2011!



6 minute interview with Todd Howard --->



Short clip of fan playing Skyrim---> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fri7zXE_U9A





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Here guys, just woke up in Canada not sure where you guys are from but I found three videos from last night. You've most likely seen them but here they are from PAX 2011!




Hey, thanks for posting the vids up AxeAlot! I hadn't seen them and I’ve been searching for some decent Pax footage today. What did you think of the short gameplay footage? I keep playing and pausing to look at the hide equipment :D

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Its quite cool to see how at the bottom of the menus it shows a comparison against what you have equipped, to the item your viewing. You get to see how it changes too when the guy equips the shield.


I like that.

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Here guys, just woke up in Canada not sure where you guys are from but I found three videos from last night. You've most likely seen them but here they are from PAX 2011!




Hey, thanks for posting the vids up AxeAlot! I hadn't seen them and I’ve been searching for some decent Pax footage today. What did you think of the short gameplay footage? I keep playing and pausing to look at the hide equipment :D


I think the short gameplay videos were very awesome but too short :( At least we get a glimpse of what it looks like and the pause button does come in handy :) so far I think it's amazing

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