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I can understand not detecting undead or dwemer machines, but daedra?I'm pretty sure they're alive, I guess it has something to do with their demonic power.In Oblivion Illusion spells like command creature and fear wouldn't work against them.


Well, why shouldn't it detect machines and undead? What is it that daedra and living beings have that undead and constructs don't? *snip*

Well dwemer robots aren't technically alive.As for the undead, that's a very complicated and long argument that I don't want to get into.Things like "They're called the living dead so detect life should detect them" or "Detect life couldn't detect because they're technically dead" and other various things that could lead to an endless argument.


Of course not. I meant that, say that you are in a dungeon, full-explored, killed all the creatures inside, and such. And then "Oh, I forgot where the exit is!" And there is Clairvoyance to save the day.

Hm, if mysticism is out now, then it's less probable that there will be perks for just a specific spell.


There's still the local map, they say there dungeons are more complex than Oblivion's but I think they're probably exaggerating a bit.

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That's just it though: The distinctions of what things it can pick up and what things it can't are perfectly arbitrary.


As for Clairvoyance, it's still a free spell. Who wants to take bets on how many people will keep Clairvoyance active the entire time, never explore anything, and just follow the line?

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I can understand not detecting undead or dwemer machines, but daedra?I'm pretty sure they're alive, I guess it has something to do with their demonic power.In Oblivion Illusion spells like command creature and fear wouldn't work against them.


Well, why shouldn't it detect machines and undead? What is it that daedra and living beings have that undead and constructs don't? *snip*

Well dwemer robots aren't technically alive.As for the undead, that's a very complicated and long argument that I don't want to get into.Things like "They're called the living dead so detect life should detect them" or "Detect life couldn't detect because they're technically dead" and other various things that could lead to an endless argument.


Of course not. I meant that, say that you are in a dungeon, full-explored, killed all the creatures inside, and such. And then "Oh, I forgot where the exit is!" And there is Clairvoyance to save the day.

Hm, if mysticism is out now, then it's less probable that there will be perks for just a specific spell.


There's still the local map, they say there dungeons are more complex than Oblivion's but I think they're probably exaggerating a bit.


At any rate, it's made with the purpose to guide you much faster to the exit, or to the objectives you need. That's why I'll say "Local map is history". ^^

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Well, why shouldn't it detect machines and undead? What is it that daedra and living beings have that undead and constructs don't?

Detect LIFE. Living, breathing; the state of being before death. Machines/constructs clearly are not alive, have no pulse, no organic tissue...perhaps undead is debatable, but I myself do not think that the living dead are alive/have life. It's clearly different than creatures and people.

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Living, breathing; the state of being before death. Machines/constructs clearly are not alive, have no pulse, no organic tissue...perhaps undead is debatable, but I myself do not think that the living dead are alive/have life. It's clearly different than creatures and people.


This is dangerously going off topic and into a philosophical discussion, so I'll end it right here.


So... anyone know how to send someone in particular a message on Twitter? I wanna see if I can get Pete Hines to answer the spouse/multiple houses issue...

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Well, why shouldn't it detect machines and undead? What is it that daedra and living beings have that undead and constructs don't?

Detect LIFE. Living, breathing; the state of being before death. Machines/constructs clearly are not alive, have no pulse, no organic tissue...perhaps undead is debatable, but I myself do not think that the living dead are alive/have life. It's clearly different than creatures and people.


The way I take it, Detect Life should only work on living beings and Daedra. Robots, especially Dwemer guards wouldn't technically have any life force, so I can understand them not being detectable, undead is quite possible, but machines definitely shouldn't be detectable.

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Living, breathing; the state of being before death. Machines/constructs clearly are not alive, have no pulse, no organic tissue...perhaps undead is debatable, but I myself do not think that the living dead are alive/have life. It's clearly different than creatures and people.


This is dangerously going off topic and into a philosophical discussion, so I'll end it right here.


So... anyone know how to send someone in particular a message on Twitter? I wanna see if I can get Pete Hines to answer the spouse/multiple houses issue...


I took care of it myself, hope that's okay.


I THINK if you go to their profile you can tweet to them, but I'm not familiar with twitter, so someone who knows more can feel free to correct me.

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Living, breathing; the state of being before death. Machines/constructs clearly are not alive, have no pulse, no organic tissue...perhaps undead is debatable, but I myself do not think that the living dead are alive/have life. It's clearly different than creatures and people.


This is dangerously going off topic and into a philosophical discussion, so I'll end it right here.


So... anyone know how to send someone in particular a message on Twitter? I wanna see if I can get Pete Hines to answer the spouse/multiple houses issue...

Dangerously off-topic how? We're still talking about Skyrim, are we not? But I understand, no biggie...we will just find out what Detect Life can do when the game's out.


But yes! I would very much like to know the answer to the spouse and multiple house issue too. You can never have too many spouses. Err I mean...houses.

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Living, breathing; the state of being before death. Machines/constructs clearly are not alive, have no pulse, no organic tissue...perhaps undead is debatable, but I myself do not think that the living dead are alive/have life. It's clearly different than creatures and people.


This is dangerously going off topic and into a philosophical discussion, so I'll end it right here.


So... anyone know how to send someone in particular a message on Twitter? I wanna see if I can get Pete Hines to answer the spouse/multiple houses issue...


I took care of it myself, hope that's okay.


I THINK if you go to their profile you can tweet to them, but I'm not familiar with twitter, so someone who knows more can feel free to correct me.


I usually have too much to say. 200 character limit is stupid. I need more. Still Twitter is sophisticated at first but once you use it, it gets easier.

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