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Remember in Oblivion when I stole from a shop accidentally and the guards knew already without them being near. Why don't they have it where the witnesses have to tell the guards and identify him. Yes that might take longer and the witness might die but still it could happen. Yes even in the old Gamebryo engine.
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Remember in Oblivion when I stole from a shop accidentally and the guards knew already without them being near. Why don't they have it where the witnesses have to tell the guards and identify him. Yes that might take longer and the witness might die but still it could happen. Yes even in the old Gamebryo engine.


You didn't even need to take anything for the guards to start running at you. Just holding the z-key to examine an owned item was enough become a criminal scum, apparently...

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Remember in Oblivion when I stole from a shop accidentally and the guards knew already without them being near. Why don't they have it where the witnesses have to tell the guards and identify him. Yes that might take longer and the witness might die but still it could happen. Yes even in the old Gamebryo engine.


You didn't even need to take anything for the guards to start running at you. Just holding the z-key to examine an owned item was enough become a criminal scum, apparently...


I hope they fix that.

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Yes you are right, i ment more of a dialogue where you cant run away or move freely...since they mention that when talking to npcs you can freely move or go away.


Two scenes.


"Stop right there Criminal Scum!"


*Walks Away*


"You dare run away from the might of the argh"


*He gets killed from walking over a Frost rune you placed without him noticing*


Second Scene


"Stop right there Crim. . ."


*You kill him by slicing him with your sword."

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Remember in Oblivion when I stole from a shop accidentally and the guards knew already without them being near. Why don't they have it where the witnesses have to tell the guards and identify him. Yes that might take longer and the witness might die but still it could happen. Yes even in the old Gamebryo engine.


You didn't even need to take anything for the guards to start running at you. Just holding the z-key to examine an owned item was enough become a criminal scum, apparently...


Thats understandable .. Pick up an item .. walk into the dark corner and pocket it .. thats a big exploit

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Remember in Oblivion when I stole from a shop accidentally and the guards knew already without them being near. Why don't they have it where the witnesses have to tell the guards and identify him. Yes that might take longer and the witness might die but still it could happen. Yes even in the old Gamebryo engine.


You didn't even need to take anything for the guards to start running at you. Just holding the z-key to examine an owned item was enough become a criminal scum, apparently...


Probably done that because if you grab it and take it to where the owner can't notice you basically steal it. I mean they walk after you to check what you are doing but sometimes aren't even fast enough, and I would rather for them not searching me everywhere just because they suspect me of taking it. (Even though I did they won't have proof until they check.)


Still I remember the first I "stole something" I knocked something over in Phintias Bookstore (If that is how you spell it.) and grabbed it to put it back and I was arrested. I was like What the heck did I do?


Jedi nailed basically what I said shorter.

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Yes you are right, i ment more of a dialogue where you cant run away or move freely...since they mention that when talking to npcs you can freely move or go away.


Two scenes.


"Stop right there Criminal Scum!"


*Walks Away*


"You dare run away from the might of the argh"


*He gets killed from walking over a Frost rune you placed without him noticing*


Second Scene


"Stop right there Crim. . ."


*You kill him by slicing him with your sword."



Yeah, I wonder if a guard is walking around by himself in the woods and you have a bounty in that specific region. And if he stops you and you basically kill him, will they count it as if his shout reached the closest city and makes your bounty even higher, or is your kill unnoticed by the population like it should?

Edited by hejpadig
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Remember in Oblivion when I stole from a shop accidentally and the guards knew already without them being near. Why don't they have it where the witnesses have to tell the guards and identify him. Yes that might take longer and the witness might die but still it could happen. Yes even in the old Gamebryo engine.


You didn't even need to take anything for the guards to start running at you. Just holding the z-key to examine an owned item was enough become a criminal scum, apparently...


Thats understandable .. Pick up an item .. walk into the dark corner and pocket it .. thats a big exploit


You'd think with their amount of tech they'd be able to program it so that the merchant simply acts suspicious instead of outright accusing you of theft. And if you tried to leave with the item, that's when he'd call the guards.


I know they did that because of the exploit, but I'm sure some programming could be done to put in a balance of both.

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Remember in Oblivion when I stole from a shop accidentally and the guards knew already without them being near. Why don't they have it where the witnesses have to tell the guards and identify him. Yes that might take longer and the witness might die but still it could happen. Yes even in the old Gamebryo engine.


You didn't even need to take anything for the guards to start running at you. Just holding the z-key to examine an owned item was enough become a criminal scum, apparently...


Thats understandable .. Pick up an item .. walk into the dark corner and pocket it .. thats a big exploit


Sure, but when you are on a tavern, full of people, public place, you should at least be permmited to grab a cup and some ale to yourself.

But then, you just aim on a "Clay Cup", and try to grab it, suddently EVERYONE in the place calls you thief and the guards come from the shadows to arrest you. :ninja:

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