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Sounds like Hircine. He is basically Humanoid.


Hircine usually had a wolf beside him, this one has a serpent. So I doubt that's him.



Oh wait I know who it is! I just remembered that there was that exact same statue in the first Khajiit screen!



I don't know who he is though, Talos maybe?

And yeah, he's gutting a serpent, not heaving one beside him. Forgot that.



Yes, I think so. But it is Ysmir according to the Nords. I think Tiber/Talos will have more to do with Skyrim than we thought. Not saying you are his heir but seriously why would they put Him on the stone wall (Above.). Yes he was Dragonborn but he must have something more to do with it. And the Akavari symbol. There is a lot more we should learn. I bet when we play the game and beat it it will probably have to do something with previous lore. But still the above statue is the statue in that Khajiit picture. Talos was probably the god that chose you. At least in my view on what I am hearing and it is my best bet. Maybe him appearing in front of the Nerevarine and told him the Empire is crumbling he knew it was going to happen. Well and more I am getting too much into lore. If I do I can't stop. No joke.

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Yes, I think so. But it is Ysmir according to the Nords. I think Tiber/Talos will have more to do with Skyrim than we thought. Not saying you are his heir but seriously why would they put Him on the stone wall (Above.). Yes he was Dragonborn but he must have something more to do with it. And the Akavari symbol. There is a lot more we should learn. I bet when we play the game and beat it it will probably have to do something with previous lore. But still the above statue is the statue in that Khajiit picture. Talos was probably the god that chose you. At least in my view on what I am hearing and it is my best bet. Maybe him appearing in front of the Nerevarine and told him the Empire is crumbling he knew it was going to happen. Well and more I am getting too much into lore. If I do I can't stop. No joke.


Thanks for finding my new desktop background :thumbsup:

And it seems Skyrim's story might be more interesting then we though.

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Above statue is pretty much the same as below left for the Statue. It is Ysmir or Tiber. I am sure now.


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Yes, I think so. But it is Ysmir according to the Nords. I think Tiber/Talos will have more to do with Skyrim than we thought. Not saying you are his heir but seriously why would they put Him on the stone wall (Above.). Yes he was Dragonborn but he must have something more to do with it. And the Akavari symbol. There is a lot more we should learn. I bet when we play the game and beat it it will probably have to do something with previous lore. But still the above statue is the statue in that Khajiit picture. Talos was probably the god that chose you. At least in my view on what I am hearing and it is my best bet. Maybe him appearing in front of the Nerevarine and told him the Empire is crumbling he knew it was going to happen. Well and more I am getting too much into lore. If I do I can't stop. No joke.


Thanks for finding my new desktop background :thumbsup:

And it seems Skyrim's story might be more interesting then we though.



One more


I use the one below for my wallpaper.





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So the person is the resent demo had nothing in their left hand when playing? .. you dont know .. your assuming like I was before.


I cant tell. are you saying you know that its possible to block with one hand? or not?


at 2.02 you see the guy block with a one handed wepon.

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