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Who does Todd review for? Which Magazine or web site? Anyone who believes "reviewers" are bought and paid for doesnt know business. all it takes is one lie and no one ever believes you again. What I see most often is a reviewer, reviews one build/version and another is released then a bunch of whiny internet types accuse the reviewer of being bought or having lied. Reviews of early builds are not reviews, and almost any review that happens before product release is NOT a review...it is a PREVIEW which is completely different. There can not be any actual REVIEWS of Skyrim yet as it is not yet available, anything that is available is not necessarily the same exact product that will ship...though at this stage its probably pretty darn close if not exact. Blanket statements cause problems and confusing review with preview is another issue. So umm who is Todd? :)



Also remember reviews are OPINIONs and you know we all have different opinions.

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First off, Blanket Statements such as "Reviews are usually paid off" are not true at all and at best only true in a few cases, because any source that actually gets caught being paid off is then completely ignored by the public.


As for being buggy.... that depends a lot on the platform, and individual....DA2 for example is after installed and updated was not buggy for me at all.


It happens more often than you think. People need to pull out their heads out of the sand, especially Bethesda fans. Todd lied before with Oblivion. Though I must say I'm pretty stoked for this game :D.

I think you should get your hand out of the sand as well.

Todd didn't lie - most of what he talked about was in the game when he was talking about it. But he spoke too early... (Something they definitely didn't do with Skyrim)

Sutch was lost, either to a data loss or because of disk space issues, voice files were scrapped because of disk space issues, and A.I was "dumbified" because of the silly, silly consoles. (They didn't know anything about the specs for the consoles until a few months before release.)


But yes, it happens that reviews are paid off. ;)


I guess you're right (though the same was with fallout 3's 200 endings, but that was from a dubious source). Oblivion would have been SO much better if consoles weren't involved. It's only playable with mods for me. Didn't they need to start over with Oblivion or something?


I think they had to start over with a few aspects at least, like the A.I :/


@immagikman: Todd is the Game Director and Executive Producer of Skyrim. :P

Edited by Zaldiir
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reviewers are not paid off! .. at least not main stream reviewers .. GT,G4,IGN,Gamespot,Joystick . I read and watch tons of reviews even for games I have no intent on playing .. I'm sorta addicted to them ^_^ .. and you learn the style of the reviewers and what they rate things for and how .. GT is one of my favorite personally .. they don't give opinion and they mostly just state the pros and cons .. though they have a bad rating system .. good is 9-10 bad is anything under 7.5 .. which is a silly system .. adam sessler does amazing reviews but he doesn't review as often as I would like.. am also a fan of yahtzee .. people make fun of him and joke about how he hates all games but I think he does a great job of summing up the flaws of every game flawlessly... but really .. you have to go through a lot of reviews to get good info.


The common reviews Ive seen for Rage have been that it is NOT an RPG, th play time is a bit short but not bad for a shooter and the ending sucks .. they game mechanics are fantastic, graphics look amazing, the acting is great, and the AI is a pleasure to watch and fight.. the multiplayer is fun but its not shooting .. all said .. do not expect an RPG and its a great game.

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I agree! Watching reviews can be very interesting, even if you're not interested in the game. I've watched many a review but always fall back to GameTrailers. HD without signing up is nice. Also they seem "less" biased (Everyone is biased so it's impossible to say they have no bias), and consider the gamer and their budget. I hate reviews that try to sell games, nothing wrong with hyping a good game, but it's annoying to see a poor game suggested as a buy, instead of a rent. Anyone who has a shred of intelligence shouldn't rush off to buy a game because it got a 9 out of 10.


I have complete faith in Skyrim. Regardless of what flaws it may have. I came to Oblivion the same way, despite it's level scaling, that makes the game uninteresting toward the teens.(After level 10 the game becomes a chore) I'll buy the game and enjoy each moment I spend playing it. I'll buy the PC version as well for mods, be it making or enjoying other people's effort.


In my opinion, I've seen many users on here complaining about a game they haven't touched yet. Wait for it to ship, play it, then complain lol.

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well, since Rage has been released I assume that they will share with us the official Skyrim system requirements...


Safe to asume they will once the game goes gold .. which shouldn't be long .. its about a month away and games normally go gold about 5-3 weeks before launch.

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I not only have a choir concert on the night of November 11, but the following Saturday night, too! :wallbash: There goes my quality Skyrim release-time weekend...


choir > skyrim? ... really? o__o .. I would ditch that .. but I would ditch just about anything for skyrim .. "whats that mom? .. you need a blood transfusion tonight or your gonna die? .. but.. skyrim ..."

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