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So I got tired of my browser (Firefox) indicating that Skyrim is either not a word so I added it to the dictionary. :tongue: Am I the only one?
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So I got tired of my browser (Firefox) indicating that Skyrim is either not a word so I added it to the dictionary. :tongue: Am I the only one?

Not with "Skyrim" but with other words like "colour" and the like. Considering Skyrim is a fictional place I don't really consider it a word. Can't count it out, considering "meh" is recognized. lol
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We'll find out which is the better game come 11-11-11. IGN gave Dark Souls an 8.5. I'm guessing they'll give Skyrim a 9, 9.5 or a 10. But then again it IS IGN. They docked points from Mortal Kombat because you can't skip the cutscenes and it was apparently too hard for the noob reviewer. I wouldn't be surprised if Skyrim came out looking like


+Amazing Graphics

+Immersive Gameplay

-Too Much Stuff To Do

-Too Hard To Decide Which Race To Be

Final Verdict - 8


I hate IGN sometimes.


Lol dude. Don't let them get you down. Who gives a flying f*ck what IGN thinks? It's their job to be assholes :D It's only about how good YOU think the game is :)

I know. Screw IGN. It just ticks me off so much at how stupid they can be. I DEFINITELY know I'm going to have a blast with this game. I haven't even played it yet and I know it's going to be my favorite game in my collection

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We'll find out which is the better game come 11-11-11. IGN gave Dark Souls an 8.5. I'm guessing they'll give Skyrim a 9, 9.5 or a 10. But then again it IS IGN. They docked points from Mortal Kombat because you can't skip the cutscenes and it was apparently too hard for the noob reviewer. I wouldn't be surprised if Skyrim came out looking like


+Amazing Graphics

+Immersive Gameplay

-Too Much Stuff To Do

-Too Hard To Decide Which Race To Be

Final Verdict - 8


I hate IGN sometimes.


Lol dude. Don't let them get you down. Who gives a flying f*ck what IGN thinks? It's their job to be assholes :D It's only about how good YOU think the game is :)

I know. Screw IGN. It just ticks me off so much at how stupid they can be. I DEFINITELY know I'm going to have a blast with this game. I haven't even played it yet and I know it's going to be my favorite game in my collection


The funny thing is, that in they earlier heavily biased comparison between skyrim and dark souls, they listed the lack of DLCs to dead souls a good thing. Now they have an article that reads: "Why DLCs is a good thing".

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These reviews things are good to check some features of a certain game but it somebody elses opinion, for a reviewer who prefers FPS and doesn´t like RPG probably skyrim will be crap.I´m not the kind of person to go along with reviews if I like a game I buy it.
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Just another general question: Remember in Oblivion there were parts where your character was frozen in place? Like when you talked to a Daedra. Anybody think that won't be included in Skyrim? Since talking also doesn't freeze the world. Any thoughts? :biggrin:
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Just another general question: Remember in Oblivion there were parts where your character was frozen in place? Like when you talked to a Daedra. Anybody think that won't be included in Skyrim? Since talking also doesn't freeze the world. Any thoughts? :biggrin:

I doubt it. They already showed you could walk away mid conversation. Doesn't mean they wouldn't force you in place to convey story.
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