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it still seems like the world will feel really unpopulated again :confused:

^ This.


The hell can you tell that? .. The citiesp were more packed than oblivion for sure .. and from the sound of it you run into random quests and people out in the forest constantly

There was like 5 people maximum on screen at one time. Based on JUST the videos, the cities look as populated or a little more populated than Oblivion, which isn't a good thing. A truly breathing, living city would have atleast 50-100 people. And I am concerned about every little thing since im a console gamer and i don' t have access to mods. Also, that public execution was pretty nice.


Yes .. 50-100!! .. that and clothe physics on all outfits .. and hair! .. oh oh .. and facial hair shoud have real 3D stubble .. also that falling giant looked like sh*t .. they need to add physics based falling animations like GTIV .. oh .. and SSAO on character skin.


Seriously .. 50-100? .. yea sure .. 30 people living in a city isn't realistic but for christ sakes .. do you know how much they would have to dumb down the graphics to manage 100 people in every city? .. or the AI would be highly dumbed down .. they would just all walk around town silently doing nothing like every other rpg .. bleh .. Detail > Content Scale

1. Theyve had 3 full years to work on this game. If they wanted to they could have added flying mudcrabs that breathe skooma. 2. I personally would be okay if they added a couple dozen people to each city in exchange for a ladybug crawling on a leaf inside a fallen log in the middle of nowhere. Plus there will always be graphic mods to help you PC gamers out. 3. I'm not asking for something as unreasonable as 3D nose hair like your sarcastic reply made it seem. Cities are obviously gonna be the place where we all spend the most time. It would make sense to spend a little more effort on them instead of sticking 6 people in a bar, 3 of which who actually work there.


You realize how flawed your logic on this is right? .. like you took a moment after your post and thought about it? .. I hope so .. just in case .. Sure its true they could do anything in three years with a game .. three years is a lot of time to do great things .. and guess what? .. they wernt sitting on their asses this whole time.. but they had other priorities .. like making a good game with detailed NPC behaviors AND all the other stuff .. but yea . I guess they could have spent all that time on dragons and weapons and armor and put it into making 100 NPCs extremely detailed walking around the towns and eating up the FPS on any non uber PC... and seriously .. look at that video again and tell me those cities dont look packed enough? .. and yes I know I'm being a sarcastic ass to you but your acting like there is no increase in the amount of NPCs and I think from those videos shows that there clearly is.


I agree, its literally impossible. Don't forget those NPCs should have things to say (and not all the same things!) quests to give and schedules to follow.

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Didn't see the GTTV preview until now, and I must say it looks even more amazing than I first thought.


And weather slows you down again, like it did in Morrowind! :D

There are a lot more NPCs in the cities. (Around the execution there was a lot of people, as well as in the scene where you see THREE kids running around playing - no more Fallout lonely kid style^^)


I seriously can't wait for this game! ;D

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Didn't see the GTTV preview until now, and I must say it looks even more amazing than I first thought.


And weather slows you down again, like it did in Morrowind! :D

There are a lot more NPCs in the cities. (Around the execution there was a lot of people, as well as in the scene where you see THREE kids running around playing - no more Fallout lonely kid style^^)


I seriously can't wait for this game! ;D

me either i am so stoked on this

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Hello Skyrim fans. I'm new the forum (actually I just registered for Skyrim lol) and I just want to share my concern. First of all I just read 683 pages of this topic (it took me two months) just to learn as much info about Skyrim as I can. Am I addicted already? :confused:

My concern is that it might undersell. Why? Well when Morrowind and Oblivion were released they were released in new consoles (xbox and xbox 360). Sure they sold for pc as well but I think consoles have a bigger audience nowadays and have pretty much taken over gaming industry. Anyway that's topic for another time. My point is that Skyrim is the first game for an old console - a five year old console - for which many games are available already. Also there are so many games that come out this season and they will take a huge chunk of sales (I think). Especially CoD MW3 with its fanboys. All those cod fanboys (I'm a fan of cod myself but not a fanboy) will choose MW3 over skyrim.The majority of them anyway. I'm pretty sure about that. So if Skyrim undersells who knows what will happen. Will Bethesda even earn their money back? I read they invested 100 mil on Skyrim!


Edit: also you think Oblivion had very few people in the cities? You should play Risen :D . There's like 20 faces common for every one of the three settlements. I saw those 20 faces 3 times in harbour town, Don's camp and the monastery and 5 voices in total. So think again about population. Not that Risen is a bad game but the face thing is really annoying

Edited by babis8142
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I don't think we have to worry about Skyrim underselling. Because there are plenty of idiots like my friend out there that will buy the game because so many people are talking about it, murder random people and animals for about an hour then put it away because they don't know what to do, put in COD or BF3 and go shoot people for 6 months until the next COD comes out.
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It would make sense to spend a little more effort on them instead of sticking 6 people in a bar, 3 of which who actually work there.


I know, right? I was expecting night clubs packed to the max and maybe even a smoke machine. Sick of this s***.

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Hello Skyrim fans. I'm new the forum (actually I just registered for Skyrim lol) and I just want to share my concern. First of all I just read 683 pages of this topic (it took me two months) just to learn as much info about Skyrim as I can. Am I addicted already? :confused:

My concern is that it might undersell. Why? Well when Morrowind and Oblivion were released they were released in new consoles (xbox and xbox 360). Sure they sold for pc as well but I think consoles have a bigger audience nowadays and have pretty much taken over gaming industry. Anyway that's topic for another time. My point is that Skyrim is the first game for an old console - a five year old console - for which many games are available already. Also there are so many games that come out this season and they will take a huge chunk of sales (I think). Especially CoD MW3 with its fanboys. All those cod fanboys (I'm a fan of cod myself but not a fanboy) will choose MW3 over skyrim.The majority of them anyway. I'm pretty sure about that. So if Skyrim undersells who knows what will happen. Will Bethesda even earn their money back? I read they invested 100 mil on Skyrim!


Edit: also you think Oblivion had very few people in the cities? You should play Risen :D . There's like 20 faces common for every one of the three settlements. I saw those 20 faces 3 times in harbour town, Don's camp and the monastery and 5 voices in total. So think again about population. Not that Risen is a bad game but the face thing is really annoying

I don't think you should worry about the game underselling in any way, shape or form. First of all, Skyrim isn't exactly in the same genre as BF3 and MW3, so they're not even directly competing as such. While lots of gamers play lots of genres, the people buying MW3 or BF3 probably has Skyrim on the christmas list. For instance, I chose to get Skyrim, but that doesn't mean BF3 won't be on my christmas list. Just because the game doesn't sell 5 million bajillion copies on release day, it doesn't mean it won't get up there in the coming months, especially with christmas around the corner.


Another thing to add is the immense popularity of both Morowind and Oblivion: The majority of people who played and enjoyed those will probably invest in Skyrim sooner or later. Not the mention that the modding community alone makes it a must-buy game, tbh. And finally, do you even know any other game in the Fantasy genre that's close to Skyrim in quality and release time? The only contender I see in the immediate future is Diablo 3 (supposedly early next year, IIRC), which is kinda iffy, since it's a Hack and Slash game, not really an RPG in the Elder Scrolls sense.


Unless Skyrim has some persistent tech issues that makes it unplayable, I wouldn't be worried about sales with a franchise of this size with such a dedicated community :thumbsup:

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Just watched the video... ARE YOU SERIOUS, BETHESDA?! O...M...F...G... I fear I might die of joy on 11.11.11


I don't think we have to worry about Skyrim underselling. Because there are plenty of idiots like my friend out there that will buy the game because so many people are talking about it, murder random people and animals for about an hour then put it away because they don't know what to do, put in COD or BF3 and go shoot people for 6 months until the next COD comes out.


:thumbsup: :laugh: So true...

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