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did not forget it, we already knew it. :D


Sorry, i didn't know...


I guess you can talk to a dragon, and then when the conversation ends, the dragon will attack you?


Would be awesome, as i said before the only game i remenber with such thing was Tholapsyx the evil red dragon in Neverwinter night 2 (i opted for diplomatic issue and was saved by the mage of the team...).

Here it is if you want to rewatch/watch the encounter (but spoiler inside if you want to do the game in the future...) :



I never played NWN 1 but i heard that there is an ancestral white dragon which have enslaved goblins and you can negociate with him (and he give you quest !)

But i don't think it would be great with all evil dragons, you know some see may you and then try to kill you because they don't accord to you such importance... (and are hungry/angry/want to protect their eggs ?)


Maybe you can insult them in draconic language ? (FUS RHO DA !)

Or just : "well you know i am the hero (or "i activated the god mode") so if you want to live... BACK OFF !"


Charming Dragons?


PC: "Hey, you come here often ?"



If you are a dragon master why not charming them... (but you know no more class... hope a mod will fix that... because it could give you a boost in several skills/attributes (at the begining of the game), starter perks, and the possibility to access specific perks. Sounds good for me but i understand that beteshda devs haven't the time to do everything... And the way i want it to be, i think this would take a lot of time.)

Edited by Laurelorn
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i got the latest edition to game informer magazines, and they have new screen shots available. i don't know if anyone has seen them but i don't have a scanner so could anyone find those screen shots and post them up here for everyone to see? thanks



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I never played NWN 1 but i heard that there is an ancestral white dragon which have enslaved goblins and you can negociate with him (and he give you quest !)



That would be Tymofarrar (sp?), the white dragon who enslaved kobolds in the expansion Shadows of Undrentide...among them, the famous kobold bard, Deekin, whom you meet again in the next expansion, Hordes of the Underdark, and again in the original campaign of NWN2.


Is it a bad thing that I remember all of that? :blush:


You know, the personalities of both Tholapsyx and Tymofarrar seem to fit the Skyrim dragons really well... ;)

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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Can we keep the posts on this thread down to just posting about "new information?" There are plenty of other threads to talk about theories and wishes.




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so hammonds your basically saying this thread is gonna be blank for 3 months at a time, rofl. no more posting until june?


i'm sorry i know we have too many posts on this one thread, it's just we're all so excited for skyrim's release


EDIT by LHammonds: That was called "double posting" which is against the forum rules. I merged your posts for you. If your post was the last, use the EDIT button to append your additional statements.

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NEW PICTURES! (they are of poor quality though) -> http://skyrim.rpgitalia.net/news/quattro-nuove-immagini-di-skyrim/


lol, they look the same exact way as the ones before, just different angles/poses. xD (i.e. the Draugh pics and the forest pic)


The only one in there that actually looks "new" new is the one talking about the ability to buy houses.


(Caps Lock is for cruise control. :P)

Edited by jhardingame
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