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Skyrim Information


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http://i.imgur.com/7IQmol.jpgI'm waiting for the add-on for Nehrim they said that is coming out. The continuation after main-quest one. (Even though you could still play this adds to the main-quest.) I talked to Matt we will be probably getting pages worth of info for Skyrim as they plan to answer most to all of the questions. http://i.imgur.com/D4EB6l.jpg

But still I must say went to a site earlier and they were dissing TES saying its the same engine same stupid RPG. That is what makes me mad. Why can't people wait till a game comes out to judge it. I already know Skyrim is going to be good because the combat is better than Oblivion's (And to me Oblivion was good enough I don't like turn based ones unless it is tabletop D&D.) And if you think about staggering every time you or an enemy gets hit (Which many say is very realistic.) it would be too easy to kill because the enemy would not be able to attack mainly because they were staggering. Kind of like the Dragon in the trailer but with a more human aspect to it. And it will be worse if the player kept staggering. Not saying anyone here. But when they said it is basically the same engine (Have to see the source as it said on that.) But if you think about the English there it is saying it has a very close resemblance to Gamebyro. But all in all, The Creation Engine is new but the ideals and other things were based on their modified Gamebyro engine. Anyone see these pics yet?



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This is the site that is making me angry about saying Bethsoft lies way too much. These guys need to do research as well they still call it the Construction Set and believe they are still using Speedtree. Makes me want to spam there site. Seriously wait till the game comes out then say, Oh there is no Dragons (Which there is but they think bethsoft is lying about it.) Idiots. Not you guys all of you are cool we actually do research. But these guys are the hypocrites of hypocrites. I need to calm down http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/laugh.gif but no one talks about Bethsoft like that or I will send them to Oblivion, lol.







Please don't link to awful places. -myrmaad

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Cammona Tong, the first picture you posted was from a Crysis mod. The third looks closer to Skyrim, but I'm not sure. The second, however, is a Skyrim screenshot. And while they are stupid for being misinformed, Bethesda has outright lied in the past about what was in a game. So I can see their reason for being pessimistic.
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Yeah I know they lie, but thing is all Devs and publishers do that. You can't blame one for all and all for one. Yeah I checked the first is Crysis. In almost all trailers I saw things you can't do in the game so I wouldn't blame just Bethsoft.I do know they are trying to pick it up, by saying things like we won't let you ride the horse unless it is better and stuff like that. I would rather for them not commenting on things then flat out lying and saying it is going to be in-game, wait, it stinks lets remove it. Or something like that.
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Hate when they call it Oblivion 2 Morrowind 3 or whatever that it is like calling Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess, Ocarina of time 4 or something. Oblivion is the name of the game itself not the series.
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I wouldn't get so beat up over it, not like you work for Bethsoft. Haters gonna hate. And as far as combat goes, even if people don't like it, there will probably be mods to fix that just like there are for the previous games. Edited by miscdude
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