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But why wouldn't there be a snowy area next to a dry dead area?It's not easy for things to grow in constant winter


What I mean is there is a area covered in snow, and there is a log within less than 10 meters of that area, and it dosnt have a single speck of snow on it.


Also the grass on the otherside of the water looks slightly transparent, which makes it look like some one has used a soft eraser tool to soften the border between 2 scenes in photo shop.


You know, the snow have to stop somewhere. :P

That looks perfectly natural to me...

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yeah seems that way.... hey i have a question about editing body features (Since its confirmed) do you think we can increase/decrease muscularity too? that nord looks preety muscular on screens.
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Has Anyone else noticed the water rendering over the top of the grass in the bottom right of this screen? http://media.pcgamer.com/files/2011/04/Skyrim_April2011_RuinedFort.jpg

Is this just a small bug when this screen was taken, or has Bethesda been........ Photoshoping their screens *tut tut* :ohmy:


Actualy, when you think about it why the hell is there a cold snowy area right next to a dry dead area. Is this Screenshot even a real place in game? or two merged together. :psyduck: :psyduck: :psyduck: :psyduck: :psyduck: :psyduck: :psyduck: :psyduck:



It's definately photoshopped, however I don't think it was Bethesda. I think the poster of the scan photoshopped out the magazine logo and copyright notice in that corner. Also it's not just the water, that tree has a way too straight a line at it's base.

As for the snow ending, I've seen much sharper snowlines (where it ends) in real life on local hills and mountains. So that is no problem in my opinion.

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It's definately photoshopped, however I don't think it was Bethesda. I think the poster of the scan photoshopped out the magazine logo and copyright notice in that corner. Also it's not just the water, that tree has a way too straight a line at it's base.

Actually, if you look at that screen on the official Elder Scrolls site, it looks exactly the same except for the logo in the bottom right corner.



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Actualy, when you think about it why the hell is there a cold snowy area right next to a dry dead area. Is this Screenshot even a real place in game? or two merged together. <snip>


That would be a tundra. :thumbsup:

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