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Everything posted by Zeazer

  1. Fairly stable. Also the .esm files are at the top. The two Project Nevada files are supposed to go there according to Nexus Mod Manager and BOSS. Something about it being an .esp but it says the file header marks it as an .esm. Didn't notice the w44Satchels thing before and had no idea about NVInteriors so thanks :) Will try it now! Edit: Though I have tried removing them and it still crashed more often than before I got them. Even on a save where I haven't used those mods.
  2. Sorry that I am hijacking this thread but I figured it was better than to create a completely new thread for no reason. My problem is that my game crashes to desktop every 5-15 minutes (and sometimes it just wont finish loading when going to new areas). Trying to understand FNVEdit currently and check for conflicts but any help about known conflicts would be greatly appreciated. The most recently installed mods are: MoMod Better New Vegas A World of Pain Very Vicious Vermin Some compability patches for these mods Here be my load order (mostly sorted through BOSS with some manual alterations): FalloutNV.esm DeadMoney.esm HonestHearts.esm OldWorldBlues.esm LonesomeRoad.esm GunRunnersArsenal.esm ClassicPack.esm MercenaryPack.esm TribalPack.esm CaravanPack.esm Companion Core.esm CFWNV.esm AWorldOfPain(Preview).esm MoMod.esm More Perks.esm More Perks for Companions.esm More Perks for Dead Money.esm More Perks for Honest Hearts.esm More Perks for Old World Blues.esm More Traits.esm NSkies - Vanilla Edition.esm NVInteriors_Core.esm NVInteriors_ComboEdition.esm Interior Lighting Overhaul - Core.esm Primary Needs HUD.esm Project Nevada - Core.esm Project Nevada - Equipment.esm RobCo Certified.esm SCAV.esm WARZONES - Misanthropy Pure.esm MikotoBeauty.esm D.E.I.M.O.S..esm Project Nevada - Rebalance.esp Project Nevada - Cyberware.esp Niner.esm Brahmin Bess.esm Lone Gunman's Tools of Trade.esm SlaveTown - Episode II.esm Better New Vegas.esm CASM.esp Centered 3rd Person Camera.esp FPSWeaponWheel.esp Purge Cell Buffers.esp The Mod Configuration Menu.esp TUWRM.esp populatedcasino.esp GoodspringsPlayerHome.esp The New Bison Steve Hotel.esp Wasteland Defense.esp NewVegasExtendedMapMarkers.esp R.A.C.E. Station.esp Goodsprings Filler.esp NewVegasBounties.esp NewVegasBountiesII.esp TheCollector.esp Four Traits v1.esp More Perks Update.esp More Perks for Companions Update.esp More Perks for Dead Money Update.esp More Perks for Honest Hearts Update.esp More Perks for Old World Blues Update.esp More Traits Update.esp NV_STTraitsandPerks.esp xatmosSkillPerks.esp More from plants.esp Nuka Cola Enhanced.esp Oven Cooking.esp AAR-525NV-.esp Jmod Bullpup Pack.esp Minimissilelauncher.esp Murdelizer.esp THOR.esp Armored PA Gloves.esp Colossus NV.esp courierpowerarmor.esp Courier Power Armor - Project Nevada.esp DragonskinTacticalOutfit.esp DragonskinNCRPersonnelWearingOutfits.esp DragonskinBonusPack.esp DTO-ProjectNevada.esp DTOBP-ProjectNevada.esp QS_Blackwolf_NV_Backpackmod.esp RCSS.esp Tailor Maid - NV.esp w44Satchels - Full.esp w44Satchels - Lite.esp AWOP-LowNPCS.esp Follower Home Marker.esp GARU.esp NVWillow.esp RobCo Certified Friendly Hit Fixer.esp UnlimitedCompanions.esp VeronicaFix.esp VeronicaFixEssential.esp Delay DLC - DM + HH + OWB + LR + GRA.esp WeaponModsExpanded.esp WMX-AWOP-Overhaul.esp Project Nevada - WMX.esp WMX-DeadMoney.esp WMX-HonestHearts.esp WMX-OldWorldBlues.esp WMX-LonesomeRoad.esp WMX-GunRunnersArsenal.esp WMX-PreOrderPackClassic.esp WMX-PreOrderPackCaravan.esp WMX-PreOrderPackMercenary.esp WMX-PreOrderPackTribal.esp EVE FNV.esp EVE FNV-[GRA Patch for EVE 1.3].esp Project Nevada - EVE.esp WMX-EVE.esp Vurt's WFO.esp Fellout.esp Fellout-OWB.esp Interior Lighting Overhaul - Ultimate Edition - No Lucky38.esp MikotoBeauty.esp PN_Cyborg_Trait.esp PN_Cyborg_OWB.esp PN_Cyborg_STTraits_Patch_compat.esp LRPNexusCommunityPack.esp LadderRestorationProject.esp Alternative Start.esp Integration - Couriers Stash.esp Integration - Couriers Stash+WMX.esp CFW-DLC.esp Tutorial Killer - Factions.esp Tutorial Killer - Project Nevada.esp Tutorial Killer.esp CFW-PN.esp CFW-PN-DLC.esp nukas.esp OWBMoreClonedPlants.esp SinkDatura.esp Crossbow.esp MCL_Pre_warXbow.esp shogo_laser_katana.esp SlaveTown - Episode II - Assets.esp Firefly_guns.esp Hedszot's Weapon Pack.esp Jackal.esp MaresLeg.esp SWP Gauss Rifle.esp Placeable Lights NV v1.1.esp Better New Vegas - NV Interiors Combo Edition Patch.esp Better New Vegas - A World of Pain Patch.esp NVInteriors_ComboEdition_AWOP.esm Project Nevada - Extra Options.esm Project Nevada - Cyberware Additions.esp Project Nevada - Rebalance Complete.esp Project Nevada - All DLC.esp nVamp - Very Voracious Vermin.esp nVamp - Very Voracious Vermin.esm HarderThan.esp
  3. Zeazer


    I thought everything went back to normal instead of allowing stable gateways to Oblivion exist? Summoning creatures from Oblivion should still be possible as far as my knowledge of lore goes :)
  4. Larger areas if the enviroments are more unique than in Oblivion. Damn forests
  5. The dragons fire is sick! Also man I love the new Frost Atronach's.
  6. That would be cool if it happened sometimes though ;) I hope I will be able to slice of limbs in combat triggering some animation with a horrified bandit bleeding to death :D
  7. In the Skyrim Information thread it says you can go "Confused Turtle" or two shields. So I guess shields on any hand? Edit: Though it doesn't anymore so previous poster might be correct.
  8. Gah I Ronja Rövardotter. Amon Amarth would go greatly with Skyrim. Or maybe Turisas for a more power metal feel :)
  9. I hope for that last one, as long as there is only one or two communities of Falmer. Or just one blending into the local population. I want at least one snow elf!
  10. Regarding magic finishing moves I sure hope they are in. But seeing as how fire chars the enviroment and ice spells freeze enemies bodies (at least visually) it seems likely that something like that would happen? I dont remember where I read these two facts though. Archery has timeslowing as a perk (I think they said that at least) so sweet looking deaths could be all slowmotiony. I hope.
  11. Even though that is totally unrealistic I want it so frickin' bad! Screw reality, I want to live there :D
  12. I hope they will have a more of you get a special horse that you can somehow summon (or maybe like whistling the horse you rode the last time like Red Dead Redemption). I barely used horses in Oblivion because you either had to steal one or remember where you left it.
  13. Hello to you sir! (HEY! It said Hi first. Salutations anyways! Also it appears I got post 3,000. End of half-asleep ramblings? Rambles? Stupid word. See you tomorrow!) Also anyone seen this? Quite funny :)
  14. I think he mean't if the next one is set in Black Marsh. How will they deal with the "Argonians have taken over Morrowind" issue :)
  15. Ill make a new statement. Games will evolve graphically a long time. But the need isnt there. Our human eyes and minds can only see around 150 megapixels (if I remember correctly). If we then add more realistic physics and destruction to that I wouldnt ask more. There will be an end to the graphical need of the gamers :)
  16. I like that graphics evolve because we will eventually hit a barrier of how realistic a game can look and then it will become quicker to do it so more focus will be given to gameplay and story :) EVENTUALLY!
  17. What creatures are supposed to exist in Skyrim but haven't been confirmed in interviews, videos, etc etc? The one I know of is the Were-Bear (which is more of a curse than a creature but still).
  18. True. I wrote maybe though. Most items should be fairly certain to be in the game though even if the stats change?
  19. I did a thread like this a while back. Including spells. This one has better order and is easier to read though. My old thread about this HERE
  20. This article posted in some other topic says that there are were-yetis. I never saw anything about it before? http://www.pcgamer.com/2011/01/10/the-elder-scrolls-v-skyrim-combat-levelling-and-quest-details-revealed/
  21. Slow time and teleport I think are mentioned? (Though teleport might be a normal spell)
  22. Anything missing just type it in the thread and I will add it to the list. There were two visible but faded items in the bottom of the hotkey section that I couldn't make out, sorry. Also don't take anything in this list for granted regarding damage/value as they most probably will change with skills. Weapons: Elven Glass Sword Steel Sword (Damage: 9 Weight: 10 Value: 45) Steel Battleaxe (Damage: 17 Weight: 21 Value:100) Woodcutter's Axe Iron Sword (Damage: 8 Weight: 9 Value: 25) Iron War Axe (Damage: 9 Weight: 11 Value: 30) Iron Dagger Imperial Sword (Damage: 9 Weight: 10 Value: 23/33) Longbow (Damage: 23 Weight: 5 Value: 30) Iron Arrow (Damage: 8 Weight: 0 Value: 1) Orcish Arrow (Damage: 12 Weight: 0 Value: 1) Apparel: Apprentice Robes of Conjuraction (Armor: 0 Weight: 1 Value: 10) Apprentice Hood of Magicka (Armor: 0 Weight: 1 Value: 11) Elven Armor (Armor: 36 Weight: 9 Value: 225) Elven Boots (Armor: 10 Weight: 2 Value: 45) Elven Gauntlets (Armor: 10 Weight: 2 Value: 45) Elven Helmet (Armor: 16 Weight: 2 Value: 110) Iron Armor Iron Boots Iron Gauntlets Iron Helmet Iron Shield (I think) Banded iron shield (Armor: 25 Weight: 6 Value: 100) Items: Nirnroot (Weight: 0.5 Value: 10) Horker Meat (Weight: 0 Value: 3 Effect: +5 Restore Health) Carrot (Weight: 0 Value: 1 Effect: +5 Restore Health) Salmon Meat (Weight: 0 Value: 3 Effect: +5 Restore Health) Salmon Steak (Weight: 0 Value: 4 Effect: +10 Restore Health) Sweetroll (Weight: 0 Value: 2 Effect: +10 Restore Health) And for last some of the spells in the hotkeys (some may be Dragon Shouts): Bound Battleaxe Chain Lightning Circle of Protection Clairvoyance (described somewhere else as well) Fire Breath (Dragon Shout?) Flames Frost Rune Frostbite Healing
  23. Yeah thats what I was thinking aswell, hopefully because that will mean a lot more weapons Though he only said Steel Sword and Elven Glass Sword. Should we make a list of confirmed items?
  24. ANyone else noticed he said Elven Glass Sword? Meaning maybe different types of weapons of the same materials?
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