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- The AI looks kinda stupid... like when he shot one of the bandits and the other just pulled his weapon and stood there. I was hoping for a huuuuge improvement in this area, so that part of the video was kinda disappointing.


I think this is an improvement from Oblivion.

In Oblivion, they knew where you were as soon as they knew you were around, while in Skyrim, they know you're there, but they don't know where. ;)

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I agree with Zaldiir, it's supposed to be a more gradual change from undetected to alert and then detected, that sounds better, not worse.Also, did anyone notice that although the character was level 33, the bandits still had bandit-esque armor like fur and leather and whatnot?I really hope those enemies are ones that are properly scaled to level 33, and not just changed for the demo to match his level or however that's supposed to work.
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In the video there is this fox in the beggining that runs across the player and when the fox runs to the left we can see a rabbit running away to some bushes and then coming out as the fox goes away.Looks like a nice predator/prey AI interaction.
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In the video there is this fox in the beggining that runs across the player and when the fox runs to the left we can see a rabbit running away to some bushes and then coming out as the fox goes away.Looks like a nice predator/prey AI interaction.


Yeah, that's one of the little details that I really liked.

It looked real, and the rabbit acted like it should: It knows it can't outrun it, so it tries to outmaneuver it! :)

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Well crud! I'm powerless. I did the same thing when Oblivion was about in development. I poor over forums and freeze videos in order to find any trace of new information. So here I am again, my brothers in prelaunch dorkitude.


I watched the GT video about 7 times and here is what I think about it:



The dragons, mammoths, giants, mountains, cave stream (best water yet) look just amazing.

The fighting looks insanely fun, big improvement for Beth.

Spell casting is bioshockalicious.

The undead battle with multiple mobs looked awesome. The force push spell perfect.

Someone mentioned earlier that the screen shots don't do the graphics justice and thats very true. It's just frickin beautiful!




The ground looks stretched and unrealistic in third person view. (Luckily, I very rarely use third person view because I don't like it when someone stands in my way when I'm playing video games).

The A.I. for the bandit who just saw his buddy take an arrow from -not the direction that he decided to look after-words- needs some help. I would like to see him run for cover or scream or duck or run away, pretty much anything but stare at the arrow lodge in his buddies chest.

The giants falling animation after he was dropped from the dragons mouth was unrealistic. I've seen many giants fall from dragons mouths and the don't just stare down at the ground waiting to eat dirt. It's more of a "oh poop, lemme try to fly with my arms, no that's not working, let me spin them faster, not that's not working, oh, double poop, here comes the ground, lemme try flailing my legs, nope, not working..."

The guy that does this interview is a doofus. He's just randomly blurting out random tidbits about the game to Todd and doesn't seem to be paying attention to the demo at all. He should watch the demo and ask questions about it. Ya know, like an interview.

Standing at the top of a tower holding up a metal ax in a lightning storm seems like a bad thing to do, even if it's a storm that you just created.

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