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Skyrim Information


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I personally think all magazines tend to give false info, like those pink magazines about celebreties.It´s all about them having us buying the magazines.Anyway I just read we can´t create spells, can´t we create them in CK?By the way I have a question, does people without internet can´t install steam games?For exemple imagine someone doesn´t have internet and buys a copy of skyrim(if it´s steam) is it useless for that someone or is there an offline activation option?
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Yeah, I think so as well, and therefore I put the Dutch/French/Italian/Spanish information in it's own category, as we don't know if it's true.


If it goes through steam, it will require internet for the activation, but not for playing.

But we don't know for sure if it uses steam yet.




YAY! 1000 posts! :P (Did not feel as great when Push posted his 14.370th post right before me though^^)

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So someone without internet will never be able to activate the game.That is really bad.I see now why most people hate steam.
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Not many people don't have internet at all, but there are some of course.


To those, I'd suggest heading to a Internet-cafe (If there is any close by), fire up Steam, as most of those already have steam installed, log in, and activate your game there, then head home and install it. :) (Be sure to log off Steam from the Internet-cafe!!)

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No information about it, but I am sure we will have throwing weapons no matter if it is in the vanilla game or not...

Mods will certainly be made that adds this. :D

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you'll HAVE to have steam to play? well that ruins it for me right there. I know that Oblivion became available on Steam but you didn't ever NEED it. I don't think I can play the game if it's going to require a Steam activation every time I install it... :wallbash:
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