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A map made on a material simmilar to burlap... GIVE ME! We need to get info about if this applies to collector's edition aswell or not. If it does, then I will pre-order the collector's ediotion.


I actually started my Elder scrolls journey as a poor teenage boy with nothing but a Morrowind cd some weeks after it was released. I was totaly lost and could not find anything, so I then copied a friend's huge map that he got when he bought the original game. This huge, poor quality map made from several A4 paper sheets taped together with some clear tape managed to survive in one piece for some weeks. When it fell apart I was so envious of my friend's nice and perfect map that I simply had to have one, and therefore I bought the original game.

I still love the maps they include in these games, and I'm sure that there are many more people that have experienced what I just described.

Edited by Necris
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The map seems like a great idea. I remember when I got Morrowind - my dad and I were building a computer (our first computer, in fact), and Morrowind came with the graphics card in one of those little paper CD sleeves. I had no clue what to do when I first played.


Then, I met someone at my school who played it (back in '04), and I soon figured it out.


I remember the CE of Oblivion had a replica of a gold coin, but a map just seems so much more... tangible? Yeah, I'm gonna go with tangible.


Hopefully this map will be included in the CE of Skyrim, not just as an early pre-order.

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This article posted in some other topic says that there are were-yetis. I never saw anything about it before?




Nice find. And I can't see a point in having were-yetis without being able to catch the disease 8)

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Maybe the article is mistaking them for trolls?I don´t know what is a wereyeti?Yetis are suppose to be a prehistorical men who live in the snowy montains so... wereyeti are men that are able to turn in prehistorical men?Doesn´t make any sense XD if it´s true I hope bethesda knows what they are doing.


EDIT:Went to check on google what a wereteti was and in the images showed skyrim troll image.So I guess oblivion has werebigfoots x)

Edited by scot
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Maybe the article is mistaking them for trolls?I don´t know what is a wereyeti?Yetis are suppose to be a prehistorical men who live in the snowy montains so... wereyeti are men that are able to turn in prehistorical men?Doesn´t make any sense XD if it´s true I hope bethesda knows what they are doing.


EDIT:Went to check on google what a wereteti was and in the images showed skyrim troll image.So I guess oblivion has werebigfoots x)


A yeti is a name for the Abominable Snowman. You know, this guy;




So I'm guessing it's people who turn into that guy during the game :P

Edited by jhardingame
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