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i hate steam for one reason. my internet sucks, and it always forces me to download through steam when i have the freakin cd. I love playing pc games, because you can rig the settings and do mods but if skyrim is on steam, i might just play only on the xbox. Hopefully we can ask bethesda if they are going to be using steam or not. in the next fan interview
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The marriage system will likely be rooted into the existing faction/NPC relationships that Bethesda has already mentioned. Getting married to an NPC might bring up a few unique features, such as improving marriage by visiting home often and selecting from a tree of compliments, but I'm afraid it won't be that in depth like we'd all hope it would be.


I'm going to hope that I'm proven wrong though.


Actually, this brings up a good point. I immediately discarded the thought of marriage because of how insignificant it was in Fable. But, in Fable, having a home-base is pretty insignificant as well, as opposed to TES where I've always been a pack-rat (collecting every single different thing I can find), and have constantly visited my base to drop off/pick up stuff. If having a spouse gives you some sort of bonus, and if that bonus is maintained by making frequent visits to her/him, then I'll have no problem fulfilling it. Not like fable where I felt like I needed to stop what I'm doing because the wife "wants sex".

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Well, I'm hoping we can choose the house we live in with this spouse. Like if we have a modded in house, will we be able to choose that as our "main residence" and have our spouse go there, or will we be stuck with the pre-made houses? If we're stuck with pre-made houses I fully intend on modding in a new room just for me to store all my stuff.
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Well, I'm hoping we can choose the house we live in with this spouse. Like if we have a modded in house, will we be able to choose that as our "main residence" and have our spouse go there, or will we be stuck with the pre-made houses? If we're stuck with pre-made houses I fully intend on modding in a new room just for me to store all my stuff.


Perhaps it will be built-in, but if each house is scripted to be a possible residence for your spouse, the modded house will likely require the same script. It shouldn't be too difficult though.

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I'm just interested in seeing how these new 'levels of relationships' work. Cause thing is, if you get married, is it 'oh hey, lets get married' or is gonna be more like Bioware games where you have to actually develop a relationship first? Which if it does, means MOAR STORY! And I like story.


oooo relationships! well I really hope they don't limit it to heterosexual ones, cuz if my sneaky dark elf girl can't chase busty blond nord barmaids well then my life is ruined :tongue:


Steam usually has achievements, I hate both but at least you can disable G4WL many ways without disadvantages. Steam is also possible to disable but unfortunately many disadvantages such as a slower game because it relies on many of the codes Steam has intertwined with their games. I hate Steam for four reasons; 1. It uses a lot of system resources and other things that if gone to just gaming, would vastly speed up the game. 2. Can't disable without problems from the games it has. 3. Most PC users don't want a community to use besides the modding sites of sorts, I mean come on they are playing a game and don't want to be bothered of the sorts.4. Steam-like communities are there in marketing perspective to get money, hint hint reason they have deals and other things to lure you into buying it. But still main reason is Steam can't be disabled properly, which if you could, more resources go to the game, then better FPS, which, everyone loves.


there! thank you Camonna Tong! That is my problem with Steam. it uses up resources better spent on awesome textures and FPS :laugh: and if it's popping up achievements randomly here and there, i'm sorry but that's not for me as a PC player. If I wanted achievements I'd play xbox :yucky:

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The marriage system will likely be rooted into the existing faction/NPC relationships that Bethesda has already mentioned. Getting married to an NPC might bring up a few unique features, such as improving marriage by visiting home often and selecting from a tree of compliments, but I'm afraid it won't be that in depth like we'd all hope it would be.I'm going to hope that I'm proven wrong though.


I hope one of the 'unique features' is that my spouse will keep my house tidy and organized, like I can throw a bunch of books on a bookshelf and they will line them up nicely. I don't know how many hours I wasted making my places look nice and arranging, if I could just throw it all inside and let a NPC organize it for me that'd be wonderful.


A roeplaying aspect could be put in that would make your spouse start to get cross with you if you do that too many times though without doing something nice, like bring them a gift or compliment them.

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Steam at the most only takes up a small amount of system resources.


Actually, I just pulled it up. I currently have Steam, Fallout New Vegas, and Witcher 2 all open at the same time, and Steam hasn't even gone past 20mb of system resources use, and looking at it through the a resources monitor, Steam takes up practically no usage from the CPU, which is, by the way, were large textures take up all their usage.


So........what was that about it using up resources spent on textures and FPS?

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Apparently Bethesda forgot about the good old Nord tradition of not bothering with wedding nonsense.


I'm Honmund. I'm a prospector. Alga's my woman. Nord-style. None of that Chapel wedding nonsense.
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The marriage system will likely be rooted into the existing faction/NPC relationships that Bethesda has already mentioned. Getting married to an NPC might bring up a few unique features, such as improving marriage by visiting home often and selecting from a tree of compliments, but I'm afraid it won't be that in depth like we'd all hope it would be.I'm going to hope that I'm proven wrong though.


I hope one of the 'unique features' is that my spouse will keep my house tidy and organized, like I can throw a bunch of books on a bookshelf and they will line them up nicely. I don't know how many hours I wasted making my places look nice and arranging, if I could just throw it all inside and let a NPC organize it for me that'd be wonderful.


A roeplaying aspect could be put in that would make your spouse start to get cross with you if you do that too many times though without doing something nice, like bring them a gift or compliment them.


I really agree with you. But what if you wanted to have a rough-looking house, and then your spouse goes and clean it all up.

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