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The marriage system will likely be rooted into the existing faction/NPC relationships that Bethesda has already mentioned. Getting married to an NPC might bring up a few unique features, such as improving marriage by visiting home often and selecting from a tree of compliments, but I'm afraid it won't be that in depth like we'd all hope it would be.I'm going to hope that I'm proven wrong though.
I hope one of the 'unique features' is that my spouse will keep my house tidy and organized, like I can throw a bunch of books on a bookshelf and they will line them up nicely. I don't know how many hours I wasted making my places look nice and arranging, if I could just throw it all inside and let a NPC organize it for me that'd be wonderful.A roeplaying aspect could be put in that would make your spouse start to get cross with you if you do that too many times though without doing something nice, like bring them a gift or compliment them.
I really agree with you. But what if you wanted to have a rough-looking house, and then your spouse goes and clean it all up.


I guess you could have dialog options to turn it on or off.


"Do you mind tidying it up while I'm out SHOUTING AT DRAGONS?! Sorry for shouting inside the house, pick all of that up."

"Don't bother tidying up the house, I'll probably accidentally shout again. You might want to wear a helmet when I get home."

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Yay, drunken fist fights, finally! :dance: Now if all or most of the taverns have bards in them playing instruments we can finally have the tavern experience we've been waiting for.
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All of the information in this thread is confirmed, right? No rumours?


Only confirmed stuff, no rumors. :)

(Got rid of those when I went live on Bethsoft Forum as well. ;) )

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The marriage system will likely be rooted into the existing faction/NPC relationships that Bethesda has already mentioned. Getting married to an NPC might bring up a few unique features, such as improving marriage by visiting home often and selecting from a tree of compliments, but I'm afraid it won't be that in depth like we'd all hope it would be.I'm going to hope that I'm proven wrong though.


I hope one of the 'unique features' is that my spouse will keep my house tidy and organized, like I can throw a bunch of books on a bookshelf and they will line them up nicely. I don't know how many hours I wasted making my places look nice and arranging, if I could just throw it all inside and let a NPC organize it for me that'd be wonderful.


A roeplaying aspect could be put in that would make your spouse start to get cross with you if you do that too many times though without doing something nice, like bring them a gift or compliment them.


I really agree with you. But what if you wanted to have a rough-looking house, and then your spouse goes and clean it all up.



Maybe you can set a save for how you want the items to be. That way, if something gets moved/falls over it will be back in it's original place next time you enter.


Also, maybe it will make some organization easier. Like, you could designate a chest for weapons, a chest for armor, a cupboard for ingredients, etc, and if you drop items on the ground, they will be organized into those containers since they aren't in the "saved" positions.


That was some crazy speculation I just laid out, but it would be a cool idea. :)

Edited by Subvert5
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The marriage system will likely be rooted into the existing faction/NPC relationships that Bethesda has already mentioned. Getting married to an NPC might bring up a few unique features, such as improving marriage by visiting home often and selecting from a tree of compliments, but I'm afraid it won't be that in depth like we'd all hope it would be.I'm going to hope that I'm proven wrong though.


I hope one of the 'unique features' is that my spouse will keep my house tidy and organized, like I can throw a bunch of books on a bookshelf and they will line them up nicely. I don't know how many hours I wasted making my places look nice and arranging, if I could just throw it all inside and let a NPC organize it for me that'd be wonderful.


A roeplaying aspect could be put in that would make your spouse start to get cross with you if you do that too many times though without doing something nice, like bring them a gift or compliment them.


I really agree with you. But what if you wanted to have a rough-looking house, and then your spouse goes and clean it all up.



Maybe you can set a save for how you want the items to be. That way, if something gets moved/falls over it will be back in it's original place next time you enter.


Also, maybe it will make some organization easier. Like, you could designate a chest for weapons, a chest for armor, a cupboard for ingredients, etc, and if you drop items on the ground, they will be organized into those containers since they aren't in the "saved" positions.


That was some crazy speculation I just laid out, but it would be a cool idea. :)


I agree. :)

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All of the information in this thread is confirmed, right? No rumours?


Only confirmed stuff, no rumors. :)

(Got rid of those when I went live on Bethsoft Forum as well. ;) )


Yay for confirmation!


Pretty much all of this stuff is either stuff I've wanted or stuff I'm pleased about.


Nice to know you were careful and actually got confirmation on stuff rather than the usual forum rumourmongering I'm used to seeing : ) .

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I also agree that it would be really cool to just drop my inventory on the ground and the items will auto sort themselves into their containers. I would also like to be able to drop books into a bookshelf container and have them be visible when I look at the bookshelf.
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Well they did say that NPC's can pick up items you drop and bring them to you later. I can't imagine it would be too much of a stretch for them to pick them up and put them into a specific container, heh.
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