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To me, morrowind and oblivion both had their pros and cons, as I'm sure skyrim will too. But the combat system just seems to keep getting better and better. When I first learned that Oblivion had done away with the whole "I just stuck my sword in that guys face, but the 'swoosh' sound means I missed", it was like someone turned on the lights, making me realize I was in the dark. Now, from what I've seen, skyrim will make oblivion look like you were just swinging your weapon, and hoping that you're pointing in the right direction, or just shooting a fireball with clumsy aim.


That's just my two cents, though. I know a lot of people liked morrowind better, but I would never want my elder scrolls to be like the difference between Fallout 3 and New Vegas—I love both, and probably like New Vegas even better, honestly, but I can't get the notion Out of my head that it's just a super elaborate add-on (even though it definitely holds its own).

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I just got off of Facebook, so I was going to "like" your post.... but then my senses came to me, lol.


That is an awesome way to look at the games. And now that we've (and by we, I mean my grandfather, cousin, and myself) found work, I have no qualms about pre-ordering Skyrim.


Oh, and I think Todd was talking about the role that you would play on your team in CoD. He wasn't calling the game an RPG, he said it had elements of it in multiplayer because of the weapon variety (which would define your role the most), perks (to help shape various attributes of your character), and the fact that you set different set-ups in a "create-a-class" fashion.


Edited by AltreU
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Did the E3 videos show anything worth mentioning about 3rd person mode? I know Todd said that you can actually play in 3rd person, but I don't remember the video actually showing anything besides walking. I think New Vegas is the first one of these games to really have a playable 3rd person, but I'll never be able to play a (more/less) shooter in anything besides 1st person. Besides, I'm so used to Bethesda's 3rd person being so unplayable, it'd be near impossible for me to switch over.


That being said, if Skyrim's is as good as they're hyping it, I may just have to try it (for 3rd person action/rpg nostalgia, if nothing else). It would be interesting. Of course, if you ask me, it isn't TES unless it's 1st person. ;)

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I'm a first-person kind of guy, but I'll definitely play zoomed out a little now. Character animations look more human and the camera is more over-the-shoulder.
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wasn't it true in oblivion you could slide the difficulty bar back and forth to raise certain skills faster, like making it easiest to raise your block? and making it hardest to raise your marksman or blade?
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People on the Beth forums are talking about some kind of 30 minute audio file that has the whole demo in it.

From the 30 min. sound thread we can hear that at least some dunmer will have gravel chain smoker voices.

Is that true? I want to hear that!



I found it, nothing special in it though.


New Info I remember:


Over 300 books.

Old Dunmer voice from Morrowind is back.

Todd said something about a "Glass sword, that is part of elven equipment." not sure what to make of it though.

Edited by Iv000
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If you think about the classes being gone you are of the Dovakhiin Class if you think about it. The attributes being done to three from eight didn't really affect nothing for me. They are still there in a way that is the affects. More stamina means more encumbrance. Already confirmed is the 1000's of pieces of armor and weapons. They said there is that much armor because getting rid of the greaves made it less "laggy" and more armor could be put in. I am on both sides on this. In Morrowind I liked when I was in House Hlaalu to wear the set besides the helmet and greaves made me feel more "Noblish" with my exquisite pants there besides greaves.or greaves and he pants. Same with Oblivion I went sometimes without graves and just put pants on. Of course it is just a personal preference. But still Skyrim will be awesome I feel spears will be in there, probably in a DLC though. Oh well I know I will love Skyrim Bethesda won't let me or us down. And the COD thing comes from a interview with Todd about the question of what is an RPG. He said that there are RPG elements in everything. It was in one of the GI interviews. But if they mess up nothing the modding community won't fix, that is, for the PC at least. Not saying they will mess up.
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