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Ok wasnt here for a month <.< what did i miss?


A lot and nothing Sheogorath's choice of words. But not a lot besides talking about recent thing like marriage and the issues of graves with cuirass idea Bethsoft is putting into Skyrim and some other stuff.

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I think they should maybe add at least the choice to download a client to go multiplayer(for consoles too!:D), I mean not with the whole world! But maybe with 2-3 friends and maybe boost the enemy difficulty level up a few notches. I would almost guarantee that would bring in more sales, they should make a tattoo and growth system. Like maybe at the beginning of the game while customizing your character, lets say you're going to be a dual sword-wielding orc conjurer, they should let you customize your height and broadness of your character and muscle tone to make a fat/beach body ^.^ that would be awesome


Multiplayer, no.

It would take away from the development time of the singleplayer, and SP is what the elder scrolls was always about.

If you want a good Multiplayer game, wait for Guild Wars 2.

Tattoos are confirmed to be in the character creator.

I heard that the Character Creation is similar to Aion's, which is very very detailed.

never thought it out that way haha, but i meant more of a .Hack(oldskewl) engine where you dont fight other players but fight bosses/powerful enemies with one of your friends

hopefully they decide to carry out the Aion system, that would be pretty awesome!

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Was watching Sanctuary and I saw a TES reference Sanctuary Awakening episode Daedric alpabet at 9:53 Fast forward to that part. i can't find a picture of it online. Of course I looked only for 5 but this is awesome. Hope they asked Bethsofts permission lol.


US only :(


On topic,

In August there will be a gaming event similar to E3, Qakecon, that will feature Skyrim and new gameplay.

Excited? Yes.

By the way, I can't confirm this 100%, but I read it somewhere and it said August.




In addition to the keynote and other special events (more on that soon), this year’s event will give you a chance to see some great presentations on our upcoming titles, including Todd Howard’s first public presentation of Skyrim!!


Stay tuned on August 4th - 7th


Thursday, August 4, 2011 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM

Friday August 5 2011 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM

Saturday August 6, 2011 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM


It's in Dallas, TX and entrance is free.

Edited by Iv000
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