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Skyrim Information


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I agree that the AI will be vastly superior than Oblivion!


Can't wait to be watching my back after someone seeks vengeance upon you for pillaging/murdering.



Nehrim and Andoran will keep me busy before Skyrim comes out. But as soon as 11/11/11 hits, I may have to break up with my girlfriend lol :s


You are sooo screwed if your girlfriend uses this forum too :P





hahaha babe if you're reading this I'm just kidding!!! I'll just have to see you once a month!

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We can't really tell if you will be able to run it now.

Ask later in 2 months when we will have the system requirements.

ok, thanks so far

see you in two months



I thought there was an interview on these forums with Todd, explaining that Skyrim will have similar specs to Oblivion?


Either way I think it will be a more power hungry/graphics intensive game. I think you should invest in a desktop PC mate, they will always save you cash in the long run.


I paid $2300 AU for the one I built recently and it dominates Witcher 2 everything maxed with UberSampling no problem.


Although, I did go a little overboard with mine :s


I still have the itch to get a second graphics card as well... lol

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We can't really tell if you will be able to run it now.

Ask later in 2 months when we will have the system requirements.

ok, thanks so far

see you in two months



I thought there was an interview on these forums with Todd, explaining that Skyrim will have similar specs to Oblivion?


Either way I think it will be a more power hungry/graphics intensive game. I think you should invest in a desktop PC mate, they will always save you cash in the long run.


I paid $2300 AU for the one I built recently and it dominates Witcher 2 everything maxed with UberSampling no problem.


Although, I did go a little overboard with mine :s


I still have the itch to get a second graphics card as well... lol


I think desktops and laptops are starting to grow close in capabilities so it's really a matter of what your primary use for them is. But to me I want to play Skyrim on my Desktop. Since I know it's going to be addicting I probably wouldn't want it on a laptop. One of the biggest advantages to a laptop is portability in my opinion.


But if you are a modder, it would seem to be a good idea to have the software on your laptop so you can mod when you're away from home.


On a side note, do you think Skyrim is incorporating Fable aspects? Like that dog companion question earlier, it made me think of Fable. I'm just wondering because if the vanilla game doesn't have it, the mods that come after could make it happen. I'm not aiming to upset anyone if they don't like Fable either, I'm just asking an honest question.

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We can't really tell if you will be able to run it now.

Ask later in 2 months when we will have the system requirements.

ok, thanks so far

see you in two months



I thought there was an interview on these forums with Todd, explaining that Skyrim will have similar specs to Oblivion?


Either way I think it will be a more power hungry/graphics intensive game. I think you should invest in a desktop PC mate, they will always save you cash in the long run.


I paid $2300 AU for the one I built recently and it dominates Witcher 2 everything maxed with UberSampling no problem.


Although, I did go a little overboard with mine :s


I still have the itch to get a second graphics card as well... lol


I think desktops and laptops are starting to grow close in capabilities so it's really a matter of what your primary use for them is. But to me I want to play Skyrim on my Desktop. Since I know it's going to be addicting I probably wouldn't want it on a laptop. One of the biggest advantages to a laptop is portability in my opinion.


But if you are a modder, it would seem to be a good idea to have the software on your laptop so you can mod when you're away from home.


On a side note, do you think Skyrim is incorporating Fable aspects? Like that dog companion question earlier, it made me think of Fable. I'm just wondering because if the vanilla game doesn't have it, the mods that come after could make it happen. I'm not aiming to upset anyone if they don't like Fable either, I'm just asking an honest question.



Really? I knew that laptops were getting better for gaming but would've never have thought they could compete with a top of the range Desktop PC.



I think that they will incorporate some companions into the game, whether they be quest based, but more likely mercenaries that you may be able to hire.


It doesn't really bother me the, I love just strolling around Tamriel by myself anyway, I find that companions just tend to annoy me.

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Sorry for all the posts in a short amount of time!


Just from watching that 1:57 HD video on YouTube last week it was clear to me that they have come a long way with sound effects. Because there was no music on the vid, it was good to hear how brutal sounding every hit and movement was. The moment before the dragon fires sounds unreal!!! I kept trying to hear what voice power they sounded like.


When he's fighting that marauder you can hear clearly Dovahkiin yell "FUS!" as the base level of the Unrelenting Force shout. Sound AMAZING!


and the fireball he fires at the dragon priest??? BRUTAL!

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We can't really tell if you will be able to run it now.

Ask later in 2 months when we will have the system requirements.

ok, thanks so far

see you in two months



I thought there was an interview on these forums with Todd, explaining that Skyrim will have similar specs to Oblivion?


Either way I think it will be a more power hungry/graphics intensive game. I think you should invest in a desktop PC mate, they will always save you cash in the long run.


I paid $2300 AU for the one I built recently and it dominates Witcher 2 everything maxed with UberSampling no problem.


Although, I did go a little overboard with mine :s


I still have the itch to get a second graphics card as well... lol


I think desktops and laptops are starting to grow close in capabilities so it's really a matter of what your primary use for them is. But to me I want to play Skyrim on my Desktop. Since I know it's going to be addicting I probably wouldn't want it on a laptop. One of the biggest advantages to a laptop is portability in my opinion.


But if you are a modder, it would seem to be a good idea to have the software on your laptop so you can mod when you're away from home.


On a side note, do you think Skyrim is incorporating Fable aspects? Like that dog companion question earlier, it made me think of Fable. I'm just wondering because if the vanilla game doesn't have it, the mods that come after could make it happen. I'm not aiming to upset anyone if they don't like Fable either, I'm just asking an honest question.



Really? I knew that laptops were getting better for gaming but would've never have thought they could compete with a top of the range Desktop PC.



I think that they will incorporate some companions into the game, whether they be quest based, but more likely mercenaries that you may be able to hire.


It doesn't really bother me the, I love just strolling around Tamriel by myself anyway, I find that companions just tend to annoy me.


That's just my opinion on the whole laptop vs. desktop ordeal. Laptops are probably going to be more expensive to fix and once one thing breaks, it's basically useless. On the other hand a Desktop can still function without some parts. Just open a side panel and you've got options and easy installation for additional/replacement parts.


Anyways, I have hopes that Radiant AI will make the annoying thing about companions better. They were ok in Oblivion (well a modded version was) so hopefully we'll see them become a little more smarter. They already have regular folks doing jobs instead of walking around so that's an improvement already. I can't wait :teehee:

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We can't really tell if you will be able to run it now.

Ask later in 2 months when we will have the system requirements.

ok, thanks so far

see you in two months



I thought there was an interview on these forums with Todd, explaining that Skyrim will have similar specs to Oblivion?


Either way I think it will be a more power hungry/graphics intensive game. I think you should invest in a desktop PC mate, they will always save you cash in the long run.


I paid $2300 AU for the one I built recently and it dominates Witcher 2 everything maxed with UberSampling no problem.


Although, I did go a little overboard with mine :s


I still have the itch to get a second graphics card as well... lol


what kind of pc do you have?

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