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Personally, I just don't see why Argonians are in The Elder Scroll's at all. I certainly don't think they fit in the climate at all. Well, that's my opinion.


I don't see why elves are in TES at all. They are a boring copy of humans with spiky ears and are in almost every RPG/MMO. (My opinion.)

While Argonians are unique, they are only in TES and look a lot better then elves.

They come from Argonia aka Black Marsh, and that's well a big marshland with the perfect climate for them.


And they fit perfectly into TES, without them TES would be a bit more empty. (A lot more, if you ask me.)


And since we're in the process of removing the ones that "don't fit", let's also remove the Khajiits. ;D

Now, THAT would make TES empty! Then you could truly say it's a series based on lotr. :P

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But really, Facebook? Nord?

It's like these people specifically chose Nord to piss true fans off.


Haha, wait a sec - do you actually claim that fans who wants to see a Nord instead of an Argonian are not "true fans"? What's a true fan, then? I consider myself being a true fan, having played the TES-series since -97, still loving it. And yet I am one of those persons who would rather see a Nord than an Argonian (didn't vote anything on facebook, though...) simply because Nord is my favourite. On the other hand, maybe I shouldn't give a s*** about such a ridiculous statement.

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But really, Facebook? Nord?

It's like these people specifically chose Nord to piss true fans off.


Haha, wait a sec - do you actually claim that fans who wants to see a Nord instead of an Argonian are not "true fans"? What's a true fan, then? I consider myself being a true fan, having played the TES-series since -97, still loving it. And yet I am one of those persons who would rather see a Nord than an Argonian (didn't vote anything on facebook, though...) simply because Nord is my favourite. On the other hand, maybe I shouldn't give a s*** about such a ridiculous statement.


The point isn't that we don't want to see a Nord, the point is that we have already seen so much Nord we have grown tired of only seeing Nord!^^

By Thor, the whole demo is played as a Nord, all the posters are of a Nord!

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But really, Facebook? Nord?

It's like these people specifically chose Nord to piss true fans off.


Haha, wait a sec - do you actually claim that fans who wants to see a Nord instead of an Argonian are not "true fans"? What's a true fan, then? I consider myself being a true fan, having played the TES-series since -97, still loving it. And yet I am one of those persons who would rather see a Nord than an Argonian (didn't vote anything on facebook, though...) simply because Nord is my favourite. On the other hand, maybe I shouldn't give a s*** about such a ridiculous statement.


The point isn't that we don't want to see a Nord, the point is that we have already seen so much Nord we have grown tired of only seeing Nord!^^

By Thor, the whole demo is played as a Nord, all the posters are of a Nord!


I agree with Zaldiir. And with who wishes to see an Argonian rather than a Nord. What, so you want to see a bearded, tough Nord with a huge axe, attacking a monster? You have the gameplay video for that. ^^

Now, as the Argonians looked ridiculous in Oblivion, I'm much more interested in seeing if there will be like, real scales or sharp teeth.


I admit, I like the Nords better than any race too, but what we want, what we NEED right now, is new information. And seeing the new model of an Argonian is in the list.

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I´ll be playing as a vampire breton but I´d like to see argonians too since all the other races already shown up.I don´t have facebook account but I´d vote argonian.
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I´ll be playing as a vampire breton but I´d like to see argonians too since all the other races already shown up.I don´t have facebook account but I´d vote argonian.



YES! I cannot wait to see what the vampirism of each race looks like!

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Because 10 is enough.

A new race would mean new armor/weapons/lore etc.

Or it could just be a sub species of a existing race and no one would be happy with it.


We will probably see new sub-races in Skyrim as NPC's, like the Falmer.


Why is new armor/weapons/lore a bad thing? I prefer more things packed into a game than not. If they keep all the same armor/weapons/lore from Oblivion, then Skyrim is just Oblivion 2 with better graphics, a different location, and "new" quests. Sure, don't take away everything, but adding more can't be a detrimental thing. And maybe it's too late to add a new major character race now, but cmon, they had over 5 years to create them.

Edited by Violentguy
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Adding "Lore" when it comes to races is a bad thing because the only way to really add 'race lore' is to break the lore that is already in place. Edited by jhardingame
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