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Here is what I think would be a cool ending for Skyrim:




In Oblivion, the last heir and last of the line of dragon-born was able to change into a dragon.


In Skyrim, you are dragon-born and are able to gain new abilities (like shouts) by killing the little dragons.


Imagine the last shout learned is the ability to change into a dragon in order to fight the mega-sized world-eater! Or possibly gain the ability after defeating the world-eater. If this was the case, you could certainly see why they would avoid talking about the transportation, riding of dragons and transforming. :thumbsup:




beat me to it! this occured to me about 100 posts ago, but by time I got to the end of this thread you had already let the cat out of the bag so to speak :)


now I wonder if you (Dovakiin) could be a descendant of the Septim line in some way?



Martin could have been just one of many illegitimate royal oopsies... :thumbsup:



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Updated the OP with a link to a page with all the screenshots of characters (And NPCs posing to the camera^^).

If I missed someone, please let me know! (The female Redguard screenshot is not included, as I can't find any high-res screenshot of her, so if you find one, let me know.)

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Something odd I noticed...







They're wearing the same chestpiece and pants, but their pauldrons and chest straps are different.

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Indeed. People have noticed that in other pictures as well, and we're pretty sure it's an example of the smithing skill, as in one may start with a basic chest piece, and through upgrades one would end up with new additions. Which of course, would smash universes if true. Edited by Mhonolithe
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Indeed. People have noticed that in other pictures as well, and we're pretty sure it's an example of the smithing skill, as in one may start with a basic chest piece, and through upgrades one would end up with new additions. Which of course, would smash universes if true.

How dare you get my hopes up! lol.
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I'm sorry :( I hope to Talos our speculations are true.

It's okay if things don't pan out. It's still in the game, in some shape or form. Just nice to see variation as well as different types of armors.
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I'm sorry :( I hope to Talos our speculations are true.

I hope to all the nine that the speculations are true, as it would increase the amount of customization by a lot, and even to the extreme for PC users, as more and more options for armor-additions would become available through mods as well!

Though, however it turns out, I'm happy. ;D

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