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Pete Hines also said on his Twitter that there is no co-op (you may search through his tweets if you like - I know I'm not going to do it ;P )


And a TES game played on a console? Think of the mods, think of the mods! ;)


PS. There is also the small fact that Bethesda Game Studios doesn't make multiplayer games (as they've said many times) and Skyrim is developed by them...

Hunted is multiplayer.

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I would do anything to get Skyrim early,(but not before they finish the vampires and werewolves! *nerdgasm*) i would also do ANYTHING to get a non-steam version of it for the Pc! and i mean A N Y T H I N G. I know i'll probbably get this on the Xbox and then play the *bleep* out Complaining the whole time about how much i hate that steam has forced me to become a lowly console player untill the GOTY Edition (who doesn't KNOW this is going to be GOTY? Bethesda has become the God of RPGs and Time consumption in my mind.) comes out for the Pc and buy that regardless of Steam or not. (even if i can't play it i'll keep it untill i find a way to get acess to internet fast enough to get it going.) and play the hell out of that, mod it and continue to complain about steam. I dont know about everyone else but i have a few mates who also hate steam, not because they can't use it but because it's just that bad.


Also i just relised i also hate the fact valve are making money by dissregarding all the people with no internet ot slow internet.


Elder scrolls games are the ONLY games that could make me use Steam. If there was a petition to not have games on steam or atleast have non-steam versions sold in stores i would be on that list before i even heard of it.


When will steam lovers relise that even though there ARE instore games to buy, it's not the fact we can't buy the game, hold and collect the case, it's the fact we can't play the game. IT STILL REQUIRES STEAM. GRAAAH! steam, THIS IS THE PART WHERE YOU FALL DOWN AND BLEED TO DEATH!

I'LL SEND YOU STRAIGHT TO SOVENGARD! (I know i didin't spell it correctly... But still i think thats a fitting quotation and if you dont understand try fighting a nord in Oblivion for about an hour.)



Also, back on topic, who else can't wait for Skyrim Vampires and werewolves? In the darkest darkness book in oblivion it states Vampires in Skyrim can reach/move through solid ice, it's an interesting thought. Who else can resist the pull of the lycanthropes? Werewolf, werebear! I swear when i heard that Besthsoft are working on shape-shifting, Werewolves vampires and the like i was the guy in the Teaser, trailer tribute, but the song was something more along the lines of being a lycanthrope enjoying the hunt and Howling in Hircines Praise. I belive if Bethsoft pull it off skyrim will be a force to be reckoned with, More so than Oblivion was and still is! Oblivion still surpasses FO3 in any mag i read.


Although, i do see as a lot of people are the exploits and flaws in locking caves and dungeons to the level you entered them in, If it is like this i'll have to hold myself back, as i like to explore about 90% of the map and locations before i make it to high levels. Thats one of the problems i had with oblivion, i had nowhere with strong enemys after i had maxed my character.


Ooh well, i shall wait impatiently and enter the fight apon the day Skyrim is realeased.

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With multiplatform games, it's kind of hard for people that are competitive to not say they've got the better set-up.


Wait....where's all this elitist nonsense coming from, anyways? I haven't seen anyone say anything that'd be elitist speak....


I can't play any Elder Scrolls game on the console currently and enjoy it knowing I could do more with the PC version. I tried fooling myself into thinking that I could live with just the 360 version of Oblivion, but there were too many mods that did all sorts of nifty things.

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Well looks like PC then if it confirmed more so. Also, stop with this PC elitists ideology, play video games because they are video games sheesh. Did not have this issue back when SNES was out people just loved video games regardless the platform.

What elitists? And the problem is, that since Morrowind, the modding possibilities are the biggest advantage...

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Let's keep this topic nice and clean guys. It doesn't realy matter what platform you like, as long as you like the same game.


PS: Nice to see a stick on this one. :happy:

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Is it normal that this much information comes out so early? The game's slated for a November release. What are Bethesda planning on doing to keep up interest in the next 9 months? Video game articles aren't going to hack it, so what's next?
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