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Enchantment? ...Enchantment!


Er...I haven't seen or heard anything about it except that, well, it's in the game. Shame: I expect to be using that skill a lot, assuming it's as essential as it was in other TES games. What kind of Dragonborn would walk around in plain, everyday, non-magical armor anyway?

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All I can remember them saying about enchants is that you won't know which is on a weapon until you use it and that there was some way to remove the enchant and use it on another piece of gear (I think...).


@ Camonna Tong-Wasn't there a Fort Sutch in Oblivion? I wonder if they took the city from the E3 demo and turned it into that....

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Mystery items where the use of something is unknown until you try it belongs in Roguelikes :/


>You find a vial of purple liquid in the crate. It has the odor of lilacs.

>drink liquid

>Your vision fades as your stomach rips with horrifying pain. Your journey ends...

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I recall reeding somewhere that Bethesda had some sort of data leak and ended up losing almost all of their voice files for Oblivion, thus forcing them to re-record - sometimes with different actors. For those who haven't seen this, the Dunmer in the video still has a Morrowind voice. Even the Imperial he talks to has a different voice :psyduck:



I am watching all of those, and I am seriously worried.


Todd said that forests would be dynamic in Oblivion and that the AI would be dynamic as well.


I want to see a trailer for Skyrim with more stealth, and more direct interaction between two NPCs.


They won't make the same mistakes, I assure you.


With Oblivion, they took on too much, and when they worked out that they couldn't do it all in the time frame, they canned a lot of the really good features.


Plus, the dialogue had to be completely rerecorded, as was said earlier.

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I recall reeding somewhere that Bethesda had some sort of data leak and ended up losing almost all of their voice files for Oblivion, thus forcing them to re-record - sometimes with different actors. For those who haven't seen this, the Dunmer in the video still has a Morrowind voice. Even the Imperial he talks to has a different voice :psyduck:



I am watching all of those, and I am seriously worried.


Todd said that forests would be dynamic in Oblivion and that the AI would be dynamic as well.


I want to see a trailer for Skyrim with more stealth, and more direct interaction between two NPCs.


They won't make the same mistakes, I assure you.


With Oblivion, they took on too much, and when they worked out that they couldn't do it all in the time frame, they canned a lot of the really good features.


Plus, the dialogue had to be completely rerecorded, as was said earlier.


It might of been the time frame but in reality it was the Compression they had to redo the Main Quest and other stuff as well because of that which in cause made more time wasted. If you want proof that the Main Quest from Oblivion was changed before it came out look at the last E3 Demo the Oblivion Gate was in Kvatch itself not out of it. Also Kvatch was more open in the Demo. You meet the Imperial Legion Captain and later when you talk to him in front of the Oblivion gate (Which it was one of those open Dialogues ie those in real time that you can't respond at least for Oblivion.) A huge Dremora forget the name but it was 2x bigger than the other Dremore came out and said "You dare test the might of Oblivion?" and killed the Guard in one hit then went to attack you. You then entered and the Oblivion Logo came up with the Emperor saying "Find him and close shut the Jaws of Oblivion' Either Martin was in the gate trapped (Like what happened to Uriel Septim in Arena.) or you had to close it before Martin in his original pace (Which was as you know the Chapel.) would accompany you. And for Fort Sutch yes it used to be Sutch. Actually as many of you know there are mods that return Sutch as a City.

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Plus the opening was epic Morrowind Music from default (Probably would have still been changed though) The Imperial City had places around it in the Map not sure what there were though. (Maybe Ports.) In the Title of Oblivion in the Middle is Scenery of Destroyed Kvatch and other stuff. And a lot more. If Bethsoft still has all the files. I would wish the release it to the Public after Skyrim comes out. Like in recognition of the sells. Many might not want to play it when they have Skyrim. But as everyone sees (I'll call it Pre-Vanilla Oblivion) it was a lot better there was a lot more in Oblivion. (And it would be great for those that want to see the Lore and other games before (Haha rhyme. Maybe I should become a Bard /sarcasm) it would truly be great for that. You still saw other stuff. Such as moving Trees. Yes Pre-Vanilla Oblivion has Trees that would move with the wind like Skyrim's. There was more as well, but you should see it for yourselves.
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ehi Zaldiir I think you should update your character screenshot page with the female redguard screenshot posted by Istreed a few pages back


this one-> http://www.elderscrolls.com.pl/galeria/obrazy/201737character1e_it_copia_jpg_0x0_watermark-big_q85.jpg

Edited by sgtbarney
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