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You guys have to realize health regen was already in Oblivion pretty much.


As I said before, if your out of combat you can wait for a hour and be fully healed. A bit of health regen like in fallout new vegas with the implant will be better then a instant heal on wait.


Agreed. It's the same effect with fewer button presses, and it's less disruptive to the experience. That seems to be the theme they're going for with Skyrim: "Smash things NOW! Fiddle with menus on your own time."

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Smash things NOW!

Smashy smashy!

Crunchy crunch!

I like to eat

Crab meat for lunch!

Makes me wonder how you'll cook. Can you cook over open fires? Can you make camp fires?
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Does anyone know if it's possible to set up a system that only regenerates your health at a certain level of lost health points? What I mean is, say your health goes down 25%, slowly you can heal but say you get damaged with a loss of over 50% of your health points, call it a critical injury where automatic regen doesn't work and manual healing is required. Is something like that possible and been done before?
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New info! from a Q&A


Q: Still wondering about dual wield blocking. It seems VERY silly to not allow the player to block or parry while using two weapons.

A: Can only do one thing when you pull trigger: block or attack. That's the tradeoff. You don't get the best of all worlds.


Why did they have to turn TES into a console game? If the amount of buttons really are that limited on a controller that no toggle button can be found that could alternate the function of "pulling the trigger" then maybe they should not be designing games for such a limited and restricted platform.

If the game had been designed for computers, instead of being mearly a port, then there could have been different buttons for blocking and attacking. Simple solution to a really simple problem, if one is not limited by tiny handheld controls with too few buttons.


A solution to the problem would be to dissable attacking simultaniously with both swords (if it is even possible to attack with both at once?). Pulling both triggers at the same time would then result in a block, while using them one at a time would result in attacks.

If that does not work then I think that they really should try and find some button on the controller that could work as a toggle. Example: "LTrigger + RTrigger + X" = block, "LTrigger + RTrigger" = attack with both.

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New info! from a Q&A


Q: Still wondering about dual wield blocking. It seems VERY silly to not allow the player to block or parry while using two weapons.

A: Can only do one thing when you pull trigger: block or attack. That's the tradeoff. You don't get the best of all worlds.


Why did they have to turn TES into a console game? If the amount of buttons really are that limited on a controller that no toggle button can be found that could alternate the function of "pulling the trigger" then maybe they should not be designing games for such a limited and restricted platform.

If the game had been designed for computers, instead of being mearly a port, then there could have been different buttons for blocking and attacking. Simple solution to a really simple problem, if one is not limited by tiny handheld controls with too few buttons.


A solution to the problem would be to dissable attacking simultaniously with both swords (if it is even possible to attack with both at once?). Pulling both triggers at the same time would then result in a block, while using them one at a time would result in attacks.

If that does not work then I think that they really should try and find some button on the controller that could work as a toggle. Example: "LTrigger + RTrigger + X" = block, "LTrigger + RTrigger" = attack with both.


Pete said pulling both Triggers for Dual Wielding will use both Swords/axes/maces for Power Attack. Also the LTrigger + RTrigger + X = Block thing I disagree. I know it's a different game but Demon Souls had the same way with Dual Wielding no one complained. Yes of course it different but what I'm saying ts the Block thing might be confusing for many you might say no, but in reality it is very possible to mess up said block attack. If they did what you were doing I'm sure they would create something else like X + Y + Downward Direction stick push equals backflip put your weapon in your sheathe and run way. (Not saying that won't be cool for some I'm saying it would get confusing for some much like Fighter Games techniques X+X+X+X+X+Y+.> or so it could become like this. I doubt it but there are other reasons two such as animations if they did this they would have to redo the animation of said block more than 60 times. Why? Because Todd said Each Race and Sex has their own animations for fighting, plus you can dual wield Daggers, Maces, Axes, Swords, I think you get my drift there would be a lot.

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any idea on when the video from quake will be in hd? does anyone have the url for the leaked version? i haven't seen it yet.


See page 289. lv000 said the video will probably be posted at PAX which is in August. And I would wait for the nice version, leaked ones probably aren't as good. I wanna see Todd's character take down that ice dragon in all it's HD glory.

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