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Can you farm in the game? Like you buy a house in the countryside and grow your own garden for potions and whatnot? And I hope they make houses more customizable with axe/sword shelves and alchemy lab in basement and maybe a 50" television to watch the news to find out where the latest dragon attack was.
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If we can't block, can we at least parry? Like swing one of your weapons in time to counter your enemy's?


No idea. I hope this is included in the revamped combat, but if not, staggering your opponents with carefully-timed power attacks seems just as useful.

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It'll be hard for me to kill cute lasses like this. . .Oblivion cuties were hard enough


In the spirit of earlier posts,,, I seriously hope you're joking :P


Admittedly, she is kinda cute... Just not the person I'd like to take out to dinner. xD

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It'll be hard for me to kill cute lasses like this. . .Oblivion cuties were hard enough


In the spirit of earlier posts,,, I seriously hope you're joking :P


Admittedly, she is kinda cute... Just not the person I'd like to take out to dinner. xD


What is up with the rape talk guys

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Does anyone know if it's possible to set up a system that only regenerates your health at a certain level of lost health points? What I mean is, say your health goes down 25%, slowly you can heal but say you get damaged with a loss of over 50% of your health points, call it a critical injury where automatic regen doesn't work and manual healing is required. Is something like that possible and been done before?


Possible? Definitely. Has it been done before? Also yes. Is it a good idea? Character effectiveness shutting down upon loss of hit points was tried early on, and didn't stick around for some compelling reasons. It creates a negative feedback loop: The first few hit points are the ones that matter, because it becomes harder to catch up after taking a few early losses. It draws things out needlessly by creating a period where the losing opponent has no hope of ever regaining the advantage, but the game is still continuing. Like a game of chess where one player is left to only their King, but refuses to surrender and insists the other get checkmate on them before giving up. You can cut out this tedious period by making health bars smaller and making abilities not dependent upon current health level.


Now, the regen system you describe is a special case, and much more subtle than ALL of a character's abilities weakening as they lose health. As such it deserves a more thorough analysis. However, it shouldn't be terribly hard to implement it as a mod. You can try it out yourself when the game comes out.


Why did they have to turn TES into a console game? If the amount of buttons really are that limited on a controller that no toggle button can be found that could alternate the function of "pulling the trigger" then maybe they should not be designing games for such a limited and restricted platform.

If the game had been designed for computers, instead of being mearly a port, then there could have been different buttons for blocking and attacking. Simple solution to a really simple problem, if one is not limited by tiny handheld controls with too few buttons.


A solution to the problem would be to dissable attacking simultaniously with both swords (if it is even possible to attack with both at once?). Pulling both triggers at the same time would then result in a block, while using them one at a time would result in attacks.

If that does not work then I think that they really should try and find some button on the controller that could work as a toggle. Example: "LTrigger + RTrigger + X" = block, "LTrigger + RTrigger" = attack with both.


I don't think lack of buttons was the reason. More likely balance reasons: Why bother using a shield when you can block while dual-wielding and still have the higher damage output due to faster attacks? Sword-and-board should be viable as well for players who want to do that. This means the extra defense needs to be worthwhile compared to the extra damage from dual-wielding. One possible way to go about this is to make the defensive aspect of dual-wielding zero by disallowing it. That it simplifies the control scheme is just a convenient side effect.


Could they also have tried to balance it by making dual-wield blocking possible, but less effective? Sure, and they probably tried that. I don't have access to their playtest data so I can't really comment on whether this was the best decision in comparison to the alternatives, but it's kinda naive to blame it on consoles immediately.


Can you farm in the game? Like you buy a house in the countryside and grow your own garden for potions and whatnot? And I hope they make houses more customizable with axe/sword shelves and alchemy lab in basement and maybe a 50" television to watch the news to find out where the latest dragon attack was.


"Anything NPCs can do, you can do." That's what was said. It's unclear, however, whether plants can be "grown" as such, or if they're fixed in place and the resources just respawn as in earlier games. The NPCs in Oblivion "farming" was just an animation. It's also uncertain, if "planting" is possible, whether it can be anywhere or if it has to be on fixed plots of farmland.


So basically, we don't know. I hope so, though. I wanna keep a personal poison garden :D

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It'll be hard for me to kill cute lasses like this. . .Oblivion cuties were hard enough


In the spirit of earlier posts,,, I seriously hope you're joking :P


Admittedly, she is kinda cute... Just not the person I'd like to take out to dinner. xD


What is up with the rape talk guys


... How you got rape from those earlier points is completely beyond me...

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