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Skyrim Information


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Okay, so the newest info:


Skyrim requires Steam (Source)

The skill Enchanting lets you not only enchant your gear, but also disenchant it. To learn how to enchant your gear, you first need to disenchant a magical item that has those enchantments you want to apply. (Source)

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Zaldiir read this From me It's probably for certain spell. Because I know if Detect Life Chameleon and all those had Oblivion's Style. So this in reality is Impossible if Heal and everything like chameleon (The ones that had a different skill level like Soul Trap. Most likely from what your saying is that certain spells like Frost Bite and Frost Rune for example are different levels and do not level because there's different versions of them.)

Edit: Yes, Friend talked to a BGS that he got to know and added on FB and he said that some spells like Detect Life are like this but some aren't like in the Destruction category. He said they wanted to let you sweep through inventory's faster. If there was still 200 spells in Alteration for example he said that they felt it would be closer to Oblivion's inventory overload. So what he said is what I basically said. Unique spells if you will call them like Detect Life change with their mastery, Spells like Frost Rune or something (Not saying Frost rune is like this just comparing it) won't do that as there are various ones from that.

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So will it be a steam only game, or will we be able to get a normal version?


Steam only.

But you can still buy a normal box from a shop, but you have to activate it online.

After that you can play offline whenever you want, but Steam has to be running in the background.


It's not a problem really, you forget that you play through steam very quickly.

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Bethesda said that Skyrim uses Steamworks, so I take it the game requires steam, since Steamworks is a development and publishing suite granted by Valve to Developers.



EDIT: :ninja:

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I dunno if anyones mentioned this before, but in the dark elf thief picture hes reverse gripped the daggers? does anybody know anything about that?


oh and i think this is a new picture


Edited by muchacho111
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I dunno if anyones mentioned this before, but in the dark elf thief picture hes reverse gripped the daggers? does anybody know anything about that?


It's either a power attack or a pose created only because of that picture. (Since the picture was special, because of the poll)

Maybe while dual wielding them you get a reverse gripped animation. Another possibility is that the daggers are hold reversed while sneaking.

But we don't know officially why they are reversed here.



The picture is from yesterday, so someone may not have seen it.

Either way it's ugly and only giving me another reason why I should slaughter all Dunmer.

Edited by Iv000
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I hope this isn't the only quakecon HD demo! :facepalm: :wallbash:




I was disappointed with XPlay last night. They promised a demo but gave only an interview on things we already know. That's one of the frustrating things about Beth, they're just like Valve with their demo's, that being that they show so little. I kinda agree with this tackle to suspense, especially in the last few months of development, but damn man...IT GET'S UNBEARABLE!!! ;D :tongue:

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From the exo or whatever website IV000 posted this looks like new news I might be wrong though. "The last thing I'd like to mention is the fact that towns actually live in "real time". This means that things will go on in town, whether you are there or not. Also you can now participate in mundane activities if you so choose, like cutting wood or making swords, shields and such. A really nice addition for those that want to be able to sink even more hours into the game." First part the Real Time part is what I am talking about.
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