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>> Any PC gamer I've ever known has had an internet connection; perhaps it's different elsewhere, but I can only base this on my own experience.


People worldwide want to play Skyrim -- but conditions worldwide differ. People tend to connect with others in similar circumstances, so it is easy to not see/appreciate other's viewpoints

Do we have people with no access at all to the internet complaining here ... hmmn, wonder why not -- the forum is not a good representation of everyone's situation, it is a select group.

((There's the famous political poll that predicted a landslide victory for one person -- the other won in a landslide, because the polling was done using phones, and we know 'everyone' had a phone at the time.))


>> Anyway, I've used Steam for about a year and have encountered zero issues with it; so I'm a bit biased.


And there's no problem with that, so long as you recognise it.

I certainly have no troubles with Skyrim being available via Steam -- sounds like a wonderful system.


>> I can't imagine building or buying a gaming PC to run something like Skyrim if I knew I wasn't going to have internet at home.


I'm one in that camp -- and my children are as hyper keen to get Skyrim as anyone else.

Internet here is too expensive (ongoing costs == cost of game per month), limited (caps on amount of data per month, local broadband is much slower that other country's), unreliable (and the one fibre optic cable to this part of the country has been broken by people digging trenches!), and for fun the government has just enacted copyright protection legislation which means they monitor your downloads and after three warnings a user's internet access can be cut. The latter thing doesn't worry me, as I'm an old boring user, but it's amusing in that the government could have its _own_ connection cut if a few people in the building download copyrighted material ; )


I should also state one of my biases, which is that I have no interest in ever (ever) owning a credit card. So obviously I'm a minority user (well, the world needs a few weird people ; ) )


Minor change of topic -- how well do you think Valves servers will cope with the influx of people wanting to install their game when it comes out on 11.11.11 ?

They must have a pretty terrific system!

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HOW DARE YOU SAY THAT MOST PEOPLE WHO DON'T HAVE GOOD INTERNET CONNECTION OR INTERNET CONNECTION AT ALL AREN'T COMPUTER GAMERS? HOW DARE YOU SAY THAT INTERNET CAFE'S AREN'T SWAMPED BY GAMERZ. I HAVE EXPERIENCED BOTH. I recently moved from my family's house, which had awesome cable internet to becoming married and being forced to get crappy internet because of the location i live in doesn't support high speed internet. I'M A PC GAMER. DON'T U DARE TELL ME MY HATRED FOR STEAM IS BECAUSE I HAVE A CHOICE NOT TO GET GOOD INTERNET. I'm sick and tired of stupid people assuming everyone has internet, and those who don't aren't pc gamers. its retarded. steam sucks, i use to not like steam before when i had cable but i didn't hate it. now i do hate it. it took me 3 months to download shogun 2 total war. and i was downloading most of the game off the cd.. the updates..took weeks in it's self to be downloaded. i have every right in the world to hate steam.
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>> Any PC gamer I've ever known has had an internet connection; perhaps it's different elsewhere, but I can only base this on my own experience.


People worldwide want to play Skyrim -- but conditions worldwide differ. People tend to connect with others in similar circumstances, so it is easy to not see/appreciate other's viewpoints

Do we have people with no access at all to the internet complaining here ... hmmn, wonder why not -- the forum is not a good representation of everyone's situation, it is a select group.

((There's the famous political poll that predicted a landslide victory for one person -- the other won in a landslide, because the polling was done using phones, and we know 'everyone' had a phone at the time.))


Excellent point! I wish I could have worded it this well. The thought crossed my mind that, of course, we don't get to hear from the non-internet users. What I wonder, though, is how many of them have no internet, but still have a PC capable of running a game like Skyrim? There's always the odd minority (I belong to the prestigious no-cell-phone clique), but I have my doubts here. If people are excited about a game, they'll do what they have to to play it. Even if that means on a lowly console.


Are you from Australia, then? I think I remember reading about that legislation...also, I would spend inordinate amounts of money that I don't have to get fiber optic in my apartment.


Finally, Valve's servers are going to explode on launch day! No, literally.

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Minor change of topic -- how well do you think Valves servers will cope with the influx of people wanting to install their game when it comes out on 11.11.11 ?

They must have a pretty terrific system!


Judging from my (admittedly limited: I play non-Steam versions of games whenever possible) experience with games on steam, they sputter and die for a few days. I've been unable to play games for as long as a week due to server overload when new patches come out for things. I don't even want to imagine what kinda hell it's gonna be to try to get a 7GB game on launch day.

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HOW DARE YOU SAY THAT MOST PEOPLE WHO DON'T HAVE GOOD INTERNET CONNECTION OR INTERNET CONNECTION AT ALL AREN'T COMPUTER GAMERS? HOW DARE YOU SAY THAT INTERNET CAFE'S AREN'T SWAMPED BY GAMERZ. I HAVE EXPERIENCED BOTH. I recently moved from my family's house, which had awesome cable internet to becoming married and being forced to get crappy internet because of the location i live in doesn't support high speed internet. I'M A PC GAMER. DON'T U DARE TELL ME MY HATRED FOR STEAM IS BECAUSE I HAVE A CHOICE NOT TO GET GOOD INTERNET. I'm sick and tired of stupid people assuming everyone has internet, and those who don't aren't pc gamers. its retarded. steam sucks, i use to not like steam before when i had cable but i didn't hate it. now i do hate it. it took me 3 months to download shogun 2 total war. and i was downloading most of the game off the cd.. the updates..took weeks in it's self to be downloaded. i have every right in the world to hate steam.

See told you guys not everyone has everything good. I feel your pain. I used to live in a small town years ago, never even knew what internet was because it was so bad(not worth having)
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HOW DARE YOU SAY THAT MOST PEOPLE WHO DON'T HAVE GOOD INTERNET CONNECTION OR INTERNET CONNECTION AT ALL AREN'T COMPUTER GAMERS? HOW DARE YOU SAY THAT INTERNET CAFE'S AREN'T SWAMPED BY GAMERZ. I HAVE EXPERIENCED BOTH. I recently moved from my family's house, which had awesome cable internet to becoming married and being forced to get crappy internet because of the location i live in doesn't support high speed internet. I'M A PC GAMER. DON'T U DARE TELL ME MY HATRED FOR STEAM IS BECAUSE I HAVE A CHOICE NOT TO GET GOOD INTERNET. I'm sick and tired of stupid people assuming everyone has internet, and those who don't aren't pc gamers. its retarded. steam sucks, i use to not like steam before when i had cable but i didn't hate it. now i do hate it. it took me 3 months to download shogun 2 total war. and i was downloading most of the game off the cd.. the updates..took weeks in it's self to be downloaded. i have every right in the world to hate steam.


Make your point politely, without calling me stupid or shouting, and maybe we can talk. I see that you have some valid arguments there, but I refuse to address them if you won't be civil about it.

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> Are you from Australia, then? I think I remember reading about that legislation


New Zealand -- where I believe the broadband is about 1/10th the speed of that in Australia.


oh -- here internet users are charged for both sending and receiving data

(like paying to post a letter, and paying to get it -- oh I forgot, people don't post letters these days ... ; ) )


A friend tried playing an online game (I think Eve online???), but they had so much lag it wasn't worth playing.

(Speed also depends on how far you are from the whatever-it-is-you-connect-to, which is likely to be their

main problem ... if you're more than 6km (5mile) away then you can't get broadband at all).

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We should keep steam discussion in the other thread.



Here is a new fan interview from Pete Hines



Off topic:

I had 666 posts, I want hordes of cookies.

Wow it's a great vid but the audio.... They didn't think about having a more appropriate mic?
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We should keep steam discussion in the other thread.


Off topic:

I had 666 posts, I want hordes of cookies.


First - indeed


Second -- sorry, but you missed your 666 party, those days are gone... :whistling:


(Easter Egg for Skyrim -- house with a room full of biscuits for lv000)

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