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We should keep steam discussion in the other thread.



Off topic:

I had 666 posts, I want hordes of cookies.


And here is what you were fishing after: The cake is a lie :P

And you are right, there is already a thread about steam in the skyrim section here: http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/413793-skyrim-and-steam/page__st__200

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> Are you from Australia, then? I think I remember reading about that legislation


New Zealand -- where I believe the broadband is about 1/10th the speed of that in Australia.


oh -- here internet users are charged for both sending and receiving data

(like paying to post a letter, and paying to get it -- oh I forgot, people don't post letters these days ... ; ) )


A friend tried playing an online game (I think Eve online???), but they had so much lag it wasn't worth playing.

(Speed also depends on how far you are from the whatever-it-is-you-connect-to, which is likely to be their

main problem ... if you're more than 6km (5mile) away then you can't get broadband at all).


Wow...I am indeed humbled. I actually just found a rather interesting article on the percentage of internet users around the world, of which even the United states only reported 80%. This doesn't compare at all to the total number of PC owners in the country, but the total population, it seems; still, it's a bit of an eye-opener:


My link


What I found particularly relevant was that very few of the non-internet users cited finances as a reason. Most were concerned about credit card security or just plain didn't think it was useful.


...So, I guess I'm back at square one. I'll have to widen my scope a bit before I decide that I'm in the majority.


EDIT: My bad, lv000. I'll spout off over there, instead.

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Okay, like some people have said before, let's keep this Skyrim only, and preferably regarding the information we got or want.




Decapitation is not in the game.

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We should keep steam discussion in the other thread.



Here is a new fan interview from Pete Hines



Off topic:

I had 666 posts, I want hordes of cookies.


Thanks! Great to hear Hines talk in more detail about Alchemy, but he's still aggravatingly vague about Acrobatics and the repercussions of its removal...

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That seems pretty cool. First thing I thought about when I read that you use a frying pan was "Risen", and that is a fantastic game, so... Yay! :D


Hopefully though, it won't take too long to cook a lot of items like it often does in games, making it more a necessary evil than a cool feature. Well, unless the cooking process is actually a fun process, but from real life experience, I doubt that. ;D

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That seems pretty cool. First thing I thought about when I read that you use a frying pan was "Risen", and that is a fantastic game, so... Yay! ;D


Indeed, I did too.

I hope it will have a satisfying cooking sound like Risen did, I could almost smell the meat cooking.

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