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100% confirms that the player can become a vampire.

Your spouses cook you a meal every day!

Dwemer Centurions are back!



Dovahkiin Comes home after adventuring, "Woman! Why isn't this horker meat cooked properly!!!" proceeds to chargrill with flamethrower from palm of hand.

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Brett asked: Can you summon more than ONE creature (at once) with Conjuration?

Conjuration has it’s own skill tree. You start off only able to summon ONE. Eventually you WILL be able summon up to TWO Atronachs or Reanimated Zombies though.

It's not an army, but it's a start! That will also probably make it much easier to mod in higher numbers.


EDIT: There's lots of other awesome info at the link, but I was too excited about this to read the rest. Read the rest, dangit!


Edit #2: Changed source link to original.

Edited by Lowk
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I wonder how this works. Do you just cast the spell twice, or does the spell now summon two of whatever creature instead of just one? If you cast twice, then how do you dispel summoned creatures?


Will being Guildmaster be more rewarding than in Oblivion?

Yes, previously you were done with an area of play once you become a Guildmaster, but in Skyrim you will be able to continue with specific guild gameplay after becoming the head of a guild.




Check out that last pickpocket perk. You can literally steal the shirt off of someone's back without them noticing! Epic pickpocket.


That list of armor types you can make with smithing sounds kinda small... I hope they actually meant it when they said fusing the armor pieces let them make a lot more armors, because it sounds exactly the same as Oblivion's armor types (with dragon bone armor added). Hopefully the perks are only required to work with these special materials, and others can be worked on without perks.


Why did they remove spell-making?

Because… The team worked really hard on creating unique spells. The magic system has been completely revamped and MUCH improved. They want us to focus on our immersion into the world of Skyrim. Matt is confident that you will have a great time using magic in this game.


Wonderful way to dodge the friggin question.


Mike, your question about marriage ended up yielding some fantastic feedback!

There are hundreds of people that you CAN marry, if they want to marry you. They can become your companion. Having a companion offers awesome perks. Your wife can fight by your side, helping you attack or defend. She can carry stuff for you increasing your inventory capacity. She can cook for you once a day increasing your health. There are many “Lovers’ bonuses” available. Possibly the BEST thing: you can delegate tasks and send your followers to do things for you, such as attack, collect food, buy weapons, and more… Unfortunately for you there are no “brown-chicken brown-cow” relationship animations.


So the actual romance is Fable-style after all :/


Michael asked. Can we play instruments for money?!

No, but you can go to a tavern and pay for a NPC to play an instrument for you. Further, you can tip them to play special requested songs for you! I seriously doubt it’s in the game, but I expect characters to be hanging out in the back of a tavern while someone yells “Free Bird!” (shoot, I’ll do it from my couch, even if my wife asks me why I’m yelling “Free Bird!” at Skyrim for what must seem like no reason to her…)


What happened to "whatever NPCs can do, you can do"?

Edited by Alcrin
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Seeing the perk trees for pickpocket/smithing makes me wonder about the other perk possibilities... Specifically, enchant. Now I'm really afraid all the Enchant perks are gonna be "Now you can enchant Steel items." "Now you can enchant Orcish items." That would be really, really, lame...
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Here's a bit of info on marriages:

There are hundreds of people that you CAN marry, if they want to marry you. They can become your companion. Having a companion offers awesome perks. Your wife can fight by your side, helping you attack or defend. She can carry stuff for you increasing your inventory capacity. She can cook for you once a day increasing your health. There are many “Lovers’ bonuses” available. Possibly the BEST thing: you can delegate tasks and send your followers to do things for you, such as attack, collect food, buy weapons, and more… Unfortunately for you there are no “brown-chicken brown-cow” relationship animations."


Sounds really nice!


And I just noticed someone posted this 3 posts before me.

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I expected a fable like relationship really .. its a start at least .. I hope there is still some dialog in it and you dont just walk over and wave a wand at them or even worse dance like an idiot like in fable ~_~ .. but really .. I knew writing and recording unique dialog for different NPCs around the world would have been way to much effort for them .. and I'm a freedom junky and totally get why they give you hundreds of options .. I hate having 3-4 romance options in an open world .. feels set up to me even if they can put more effort into it.


Modders will add more to it anyways

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The dragon shouts got me thinking. Do you guys reckon you only will be able to perform the same shout once a day? I mean, if you repeatedly use the firebreath shout, it'll get pretty overpowered. Some spells in Oblivion, or most racial abilities had a one day limit.
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"Applying upgrades, as in smithing weapons and armor to be improved will not change the appearance. Enchanting them will make them glow but you’re not looking at customization of appearance."


Aww.. sadness .. I guess the different looks to the same armor must have been tier level thing or something ~_~ .. at least there seems to be variants in armor look in some form .. whatever the reason

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