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Honestly the thing with Wizards not being able to wear armor is a remnant of a poor attempt to nerf magic-users in D&D (that did absolutely nothing to reduce their superiority to other classes, btw, it took until 4E for the problem to be mostly fixed by just giving everyone Wizard-level powers). I don't see why wizards should have a spellcasting penalty if wearing armor, I mean the TES magic system doesn't even have somatic components!
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Xplay has been in front of the bethesda booth with almost all the PAX coverage .. I know its just do to the awesomeness of that giant dragon but its great advertisment for beth .. everyone in the crowd has one of those hats too xD uuugh .. wish I had one!! .. I'm starting to get more siked up for the xplay skyrim preview they are having on today :3 just me .. xplay .. morrowind .. a can of diet mtn dew .. and my dog .. its a nerdy day
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Is the preview going to be online?

I think it's only on TV. I found some sites that can live stream it, but you have to live in the USA to be allowed to watch.

What sites? I can try to...acquire it. :pirate:

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Is the preview going to be online?

I think it's only on TV. I found some sites that can live stream it, but you have to live in the USA to be allowed to watch.

What sites? I can try to...acquire it. :pirate:


Yeah Nate, work some magic and send a bird to whisper in my ear if you find anything will ya ;)

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